What are your life goals?

What about you, are you still in college?

Yeah, actually my third round at a college, I haven't got long to go though.

ol I could post a picture, but no doubt this being the internet, no one would believe me anyway

That good, huh? Your a lucky man mr.alexrose. For the record though, I would believe you. Someone with a personality as sexy as yours always snags the good-uns........I'm off to make myself a peppermint tea....
Haha, well one of my mates didn't either when I first showed him the picture she let me have (his response was 'What?! Where's the real picture)!

Wish me luck, I'm not counting my chickens yet as its still very early days. I this works out though, I 100% agree though I am a very lucky man, someone like this is not someone I was ever expecting to find. I don't think I have enough toes and fingers to cross lol

If and this is a big if, things go well, perhaps I'll post a picture in the future to prove I'm not just being a big tease.

Someone with a personality as sexy as yours always snags the good-uns
I'm not sure where that came from, I'm not sure my personality is that great! haha
Look at me. I'm married, and my wife is hot and perfectly proportioned, and is a gaming geek with an interest in anime. If I can be that lucky, anyone can. Keep at it and always be yourself. So long as your #1 priority is putting a smile on her face, you'll do fine. :)
Mutsumi said:
Look at me. I'm married, and my wife is hot and perfectly proportioned, and is a gaming geek with an interest in anime. If I can be that lucky, anyone can. Keep at it and always be yourself. So long as your #1 priority is putting a smile on her face, you'll do fine. :)

Hahah, fair point. They exist, just rare :)
I'm fundamentally solid on that #1 priority so that shouldn't be an issue :D

Now I just need a little MORE luck to keep everything going well!
Kyaku said:
That's a pretty awesome ambition, good luck with it Teo, I bet something like that will be an experience.

Thanks! I have a lot of fun making pastries, so I hope everything will go fine. The problem is that now is not exactly the best period to open a new business, so I'll be patient and keep waiting.

Since I was one of the choir "pics or didn't happen" then I need to be coherent. Here is a photo of the last cake I made:


Layers from bottom to top:
- almond dacquoise;
- pistachio bavaroise;
- orange jelly with zests;
- almond mousse;
- white chocolate glaze (coloured with a bit of green food colour).
Decoration: macaron shells on the side, whole pistachios (with the skin) and squares of candied orange peel on the top.

I was starting to get all bitter about women and relationships again reading those last few posts, but Teo has cheered me right up with that cake. Good job.
Zin5ki said:
More than one sort of zest is included? Does your zeal for decadence respect no boundaries?

He poured zests in molds
trying to limit decadence
all he got were scolds
to atone sins of impudence

(this is a lost aria from L'oca del Cairo, sung by Don Pippo)

Oh man, I don't eat cakes any more, but that looks awesome!

If I win the Euromillions jackpot, I will fund an anime telling the story of Teo's rise to the top of the pastry world. It will be like a sequel to Yakitate!! Japan.
What are your targets

I was just thinking I need a new tv and a new ps3 and I thought il make a target threat e.g.

March the 3rd buy a new 32 inch tv
March the 17th buy a new ps3
March the 31st buy the rest the inuyasha series
April the 14th continue buying anime DVDs and on wards

These are my targets it's going to be a hell of a ride.

What ever other targets you guys are aiming for it can be anything just put them up here