Lelouch said:
Sami said:
Lelouch said:
I love that show XD
I am watching the Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE:Tokyo Revelations OVA

Yeah, The I.T crowd is pretty cool, they had some sort of marathon running on more4.
And is Tsubasa Anime good?, Because i've heard most of it is just filler but like good filler(if there is such a thing).
Aah, to be honest I don't like it much myself, but saying that, I'm very much manga based for it ..The anime cut a lot out, put in some ..odd filler and so on. (I've heard some people don't think it's to bad though, but I think that's based on that they haven't read the manga?). They ended up cancelling after season 2 ended though :?
But the OVA is really really very good, but you'd really have to have had read the manga, (To about volume 15+) to really know what's going on

Only part one is out right now but the second (of three) is coming out in ..just under 3 weeeks?
/so ending my ramblings :lol: