What are you watching right now

Ryo Chan said:
War of the worlds (the crappy new version)
I actually really like the new version. In fact I'd go as far as to call it a perfect action movie if the final scene where they 'reunite' with the son that by all rights should have died was wiped from the film. I felt the changes to the original book worked to update the story and to keep it constantly moving, making the invaders seem like more of a threat in the process. The basement scene where they hide from the aliens was great too and the performances were excellent.

Anyway I was just watching I Am Legend.
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Sy said:
Ryo Chan said:
War of the worlds (the crappy new version)
I actually really like the new version. In fact I'd go as far as to call it a perfect action movie if the final scene where they 'reunite' with the son that by all rights should have died was wiped from the film. I felt the changes to the original book worked to update the story and to keep it constantly moving, making the invaders seem like more of a threat in the process. The basement scene where they hide from the aliens was great too and the performances were excellent.

Anyway I was just watching I Am Legend.

I agree, espcially Tim Robbins as the psycho guy.

And watching I am Legend in 20 minutes
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Ryo Chan said:
no mention of thunderchild though :( atleast in the originals the aliens weren't completely invinsible bar the obvious end
They werent completely invinsible in the new movie either. When they rammed grenades up that bumhole like thing that sucked up people it blew up the tripod pretty good.

Also I've got to say that the tripods looked fantastic and the sound they made when I heard them in the cinema at full blast gave me chills. Better than the flying saucer things in the 60's movie.