What are you watching right now

Watched eps 9 and 10 of Tenchi Universe and the very first episode of Yu Yu Hakusho.

Trying to find the third ova's of Tenchi Muyo that arent priced insanley but its proving hard.
Aside from working through the Manga Force stuff, Hapkido, which I've been wanting to watch for a while (sort of like an even more jingoistic version of Fist of Fury, but with a Hapkido school instead of Jing wu Mun: even got some of the same actors :wink: ), probably follow it up with some old school Jackie Chan - perhaps New Fist of Fury or Dragon Lord. Should be interesting to see films he wasn't happy with, for various reasons.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Yeun Biao in The Iceman Cometh.

Any good? I was thinking of getting Knockabout or Dreadnaught next, mainly because both of those get mentioned in various academic appraisals of the genre (e.g., Leon Hunt). I don't hear much about The Iceman Cometh, beyond the blurb on HKL.