What are you watching right now

slideyfoot said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Yeun Biao in The Iceman Cometh.

Any good? I was thinking of getting Knockabout or Dreadnaught next, mainly because both of those get mentioned in various academic appraisals of the genre (e.g., Leon Hunt). I don't hear much about The Iceman Cometh, beyond the blurb on HKL.
I thought it was great. It was primarily a swordplay film but there are two excellent hand to hand fight scenes between Biao and Wah, one on a elevated jeep and another at the end (they really duke it out). There was a rape scene that was a tad uncomfortable to watch, mainly because of Wah's overacting. Biao and Cheung's chemistry make it worth watching and there are some funny moments as well.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
I thought it was great. It was primarily a swordplay film but there are two excellent hand to hand fight scenes between Biao and Wah, one on a elevated jeep and another at the end (they really duke it out). There was a rape scene that was a tad uncomfortable to watch, mainly because of Wah's overacting. Biao and Cheung's chemistry make it worth watching and there are some funny moments as well.

Cheers for the review - sounds like I should go for the other two first, in that case. Not generally too fond of swordplay films, as they tend to go the wire-fu route with lots of people flying through the air. If there are weapons in a martial arts film, then I prefer the kind of choreography you see in Shaolin Temple (ok, so its just extended wu shu forms by some trees, but looks pretty :p ) or the snippet in Ong Bak.
To be fair to the movie the swordplay is generally just kept to the opening of the film. The biggest plus of the movie is that, in my opinion, it has one of the best Biao fights I've seen in my opinion and that's the final fight of the movie. For the price I paid for it it was worth it just for that, very powerful, fast and brutal.