I don't recall ever seeing a disc labelled as Region 0 in HMV or Forbidden Planet, certainly not any anime in UK or America. Right Stuf's Boogiepop Phantom is all region for whatever reason (IIRC not all volumes but the first one at least). Since my first DVD player was a PS2 and I had to use an action replay cart and swap discs to watch any American DVDs, and I later had to get a region free DVD player to use alongside my PS3, this is painfully obvious.
Global license holders tend to insist on region blocking from their regional distributors so they can control who watches stuff, where and when and for how much.
A lot of stuff on localmart's "import anime" page hasn't even been licensed in English in any territory so if they are "importing" them from anywhere, it is a seedy place in Hong Kong.
I have the full boxed set of 8 Geneon DVDs which are region 1. FUNimation's recent set, which is the only version still in print, also contains the OVAs and sure as heck is going to be region 1.
They are also selling the OVAs, which have never been available separately in English, with Chinese and English subtitles. There is a legitimate Taiwanese release of Vandread, but they only seem to have the
first OVA but it only has Chinese subs anyway and it will be region 3.
Both CCS movies on a single disc? The entire last 50 episodes of Kodocha (which have not been released in English) on 10 region free discs with english and chinese subs? Wouldn't touch that place with a bargepole.
Their "Domestic Anime" is, through some odd twist, all listed as Region 1.