Urusei Yatsura

ayase said:
Whoa, hang on, missed this. Royal Mail are still going to charge you for handling the package... just literally handling it? Even though they dont have to hold it at the depot because of customs? That can't be legal surely, what grounds would they have to charge you?
As I understand it, goods imported into the UK are subject to two charges: VAT and customs duty. The limit is only being raised for the customs duty, which for DVDs accounts for something like 3.5% of the total charges. You will still be charged VAT for anything over £18, and thus the Royal Mail handling charges will remain.

EDIT: Customs duty, not excise duty (that's an additional charge for alcohol and tobacco).
I found the first part of the BBC dub on Youtube for anyone interested.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xRcxz1MSPd0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xRcxz1MSPd0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Only the first two episodes were dubbed this way as a one off. It's not the most accurate of dubs, but it's probably one of the funniest. :lol:
BlackWolf said:
is that more proof that we need more british dubs? :p How is the normal dub for this? Or is sub's highly recommended?
To my knowledge this is the only dub the TV series has ever recieved. I think the films were dubbed at some point but there are no dubs on MVM's UK film or OVA DVD's.
Ryo Chan said:
i vote we pester the bbc to put this back on their iplayer thing
If you want to watch the other segments of the dubbed eps you know where to find 'em. ;)

A full British dub of UY on UK TV would be immense. It would be the single best thing to happen, ever.

But they would have to get Lum a new voice.
ayase said:
Ryo Chan said:
i vote we pester the bbc to put this back on their iplayer thing
If you want to watch the other segments of the dubbed eps you know where to find 'em. ;)

A full British dub of UY on UK TV would be immense. It would be the single best thing to happen, ever.

But they would have to get Lum a new voice.

get the cast of only fools and horses on it, would be epic
I almost forgot about this series, i remember researching up on it cause it had such a large impact and amount of films.
Though i think they canned the idea of dubbing any of the series since there was quite a lose on translation.
The title itsleve has several different meanings :lol:
I watched a few vids of this at Uni my mate had. When I got back into buying anime I grabbed about the first 13 volumes of the TV series. I love the series but I was hoping they would do some box sets as I was put off having to buy every volume separately for 50 volumes. I once found some bundles, but the company would not ship outside the US.

Are the OVAs worth getting as there is a cheap R2 set that collects them all.
Dracos said:
Are the OVAs worth getting as there is a cheap R2 set that collects them all.
I have the MVM OVA set and enjoyed it. The final two are clip shows with very little new material, but at £9.99 it's worth getting for Inaba the Dreammaker and Raging Sherbet alone. Sherbet especially made me laugh like hell.

There's not really a bad one in there, though I was a bit dissapointed with Nagisa's Fiance because despite featuring my favourite characters you can see the final joke it's building up to a mile off.
Earlier today I noticed your post about the Urusei Yatsura DS game from 2005. Holy WTF, Batman! Who'd have thought its popularity would've endured enough to justify developing a video game 14 years after the anime ended? Apparently you can "poke" the girls with the stylus (a simple demonstration can be found on the official site), which sounds like potentially the best thing ever. That it will never receive an English language release pains my heart.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Earlier today I noticed your post about the Urusei Yatsura DS game from 2005. Holy WTF, Batman! Who'd have thought its popularity would've endured enough to justify developing a video game 14 years after the anime ended? Apparently you can "poke" the girls with the stylus (a simple demonstration can be found on the official site), which sounds like potentially the best thing ever. That it will never receive an English language release pains my heart.
Took a little while to find but here we go. I love that they all get annoyed except for Ryuu, who punches you, and Sakura, who kicks you. :lol:

The fact that UY's popularity has endured gives me hope that even we in the UK might see a release one day. I imagine the fact it's so old puts companies off licensing it. I'd never really taken notice before but there is very little from before the mid-90's released here. Sad really, given that there's such a wealth of Anime from the 80's.
Sadly I think the UK has seen the last of Urusei Yatsura. It's interesting to note that it's the only Takahashi adaptation that was given a decent run over here. There was Fire Tripper, Laughing Target, and Mermaid Forest in the mid 1990s, and the Ranma movies a few years back, but that's it from one of the most well-known and popular figures in anime.
Oh Lordy. I'm thinking of doing the unthinkable and ordering all five TV bundles from TSRI. One per month, maybe. It seems increasingly unlikely that UY will ever be re-released in cheaper thinpak collections, so I may not have that much longer to act.

It's not just the money, either... think of the shelf space :O
I was actually thinking about getting this as well. I've asked a friend in america to bring me a much of that he could fit in his bag when he's coming over =)
fabricatedlunatic said:
Oh Lordy. I'm thinking of doing the unthinkable and ordering all five TV bundles from TSRI. One per month, maybe. It seems increasingly unlikely that UY will ever be re-released in cheaper thinpak collections, so I may not have that much longer to act.

It's not just the money, either... think of the shelf space :O

Who are TSRI (did you mean Right Stuf) and are they good for shipping/import. I am currently up to 25 DVDs and want to get the rest. If there is any way to get them for less than £10 each which is about what I have ended up paying I would be very interested. £500 for the main series and then movies and OAVs on top make it pretty expensive to collect.
Yes, Right Stuf. And, yes, they are good. Five volumes will cost about £42 including shipping and should be customs safe, since they mark each item as $5. The bundles of ten might be at risk -- I'll have to email and see if they mark them as one item or ten.

EDIT: Okay, I have worked it out. If you were to order 25 volumes of Urusei Yatsura from Right Stuf and the package incurred a custom charge, the total cost should be around £215, which is £8.60 per disc.
I have the VHS releases of these from years ago in my loft somewhere.

I wish I'd known you could get them on DVD sooner.

Damn, now i'm in 2 minds.

If it wasn't for the confusing import tax issues that I can't ever seem to get my head around, i'd snap these bundles up in an instant - and that's even with my current issues with not being able to read subtittles properly.