Overseas Upcoming Non-UK Anime BD/DVD Artwork

Lol, I have my entire anime collection stored inside clear PET box protectors, the same as what is used for steelbook protection - any Bluray or DVD set less than 20 mm wide in my collection I have covered - about 500 of them so far. 👍

😱 Oops, looks like I missed two sets on that lower shelf! Ha, I just had run out of the proper size for those at the time - they're both covered now. It's actually time for me to order about another two hundred protectors; they come in 5 different widths for Blurays, and two for DVDs.

I just use these steelbook sleeves you can get on eBay for cheap but they do the job.
SW2 Premium Blu-ray Jumbo Steelbook Protective Wraps / Sleeves (Pack of 25) | eBay
Those box protectors look decent though.
Yeah, I don't really care for the look of resealable bags, I went that route at first and then scrapped them for anything other than LE box sets. With the different sizes of cases they either don't fit tight enough and look wrinkly, or they fit too snug and it's a pain getting them in and out. Then it's a pain getting them back in the bag with the adhesive flaps always wanting to stick to them. You also have those unsightly triangular flaps sticking out at the corners and a seam running down the middle of every spine. I much prefer the flat, crystal clear look of the box protectors, and they are very easy to get the cases in and out of.
Yeah, I don't really care for the look of resealable bags, I went that route at first and then scrapped them for anything other than LE box sets. With the different sizes of cases they either don't fit tight enough and look wrinkly, or they fit too snug and it's a pain getting them in and out. Then it's a pain getting them back in the bag with the adhesive flaps always wanting to stick to them. You also have those unsightly triangular flaps sticking out at the corners and a seam running down the middle of every spine. I much prefer the flat, crystal clear look of the box protectors, and they are very easy to get the cases in and out of.
If I had the funds I’d probably invest in better protection for my collection but the sleeves will suffice for now. They serve their purpose well, and I’ve somehow managed to keep a majority of them from getting wrinkled asides from the first ones I ever purchased back in the days of my early anime endeavours.
Lol, I have my entire anime collection stored inside clear PET box protectors, the same as what is used for steelbook protection - any Bluray or DVD set less than 20 mm wide in my collection I have covered - about 500 of them so far. 👍

😱 Oops, looks like I missed two sets on that lower shelf! Ha, I just had run out of the proper size for those at the time - they're both covered now. It's actually time for me to order about another two hundred protectors; they come in 5 different widths for Blurays, and two for DVDs.

Okay but what's your point? My anime collection is in as good condition as yours and nothing is covered. It's just consumerism. Are you living in some dirt hell with bugs using your DVD cases as a cemetery? Also they barely protect from bumps. If you're just looking for some dust protection just use plastic bags. They're 100 times cheaper.
As the rest of my 600+DVDs except a handful that were damaged by my cats when I hadn't put them back on the shelves.
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I started to use plastic boxes to keep my stuff in. Dust is an enemy of mine when it comes to my collection. (And well, mostly every else, too.)
The boxes are fine for anime, as they are not so heavy, but for Manga I used bags with no reseals, if possible. As Girls with Guns said, they are kind of a pain. For sealing I just used the resealing tape-sticker that comes with raw rice packages over here. Transparent with no fonts or ads, bigger and safer to peel off again later than your average Tesa, has a little stripe that's not sticky to touch and leave fingerprints, and comes for free on top, at that, lol.

I bin those AoA sleeves so fast. I mean If I started caring about dust on BD cases I’d probably end up OCD
While I wrinkling my brows, if I wind up without them (Like with my FSN HF or some Monogataris), I like those AoA sleeves, aside from protecting they also have that shiny sticker, which sorts of makes it look more new.
I also don't keep my manga in bags and they're mostly mint. French release have dustcovers too so they're way more fragile than those english release without. I don't know what you're doing with them (and don't want to) but it surprises me a lot. And I'm maniac about the condition too.

The only that really damages the books are smoke and sunlight. Dust does nothing to them. Plastic doesn't protect from sunlight nor smoke as it's not airtight. Also if your book falls down while in a plastic bag it can't deform to absorb the shock and rather will have more permanent deformation at the point of impact.

There's just no added value to putting under plastic any book.
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Okay but what's your point? My anime collection is in as good condition as yours and nothing is covered. It's just consumerism. Are you living in some dirt hell with bugs using your DVD cases as a cemetery? Also they barely protect from bumps. If you're just looking for some dust protection just use plastic bags. They're 100 times cheaper.
As the rest of my 600+DVDs except a handful that were damaged by my cats when I hadn't put them back on the shelves.

My point was you said it was a cheap material that yellows, yet it is popularly used for steelbook protection, and the fact I covered my entire anime collection with PET just seemed humorously ironic, so I brought it up. I really am not expecting my boxes all to yellow anytime soon - probably not in my lifetime, anyway. And if they were to do so, I can always replace them. I don't understand why you are being so hostile towards my post.

I bought the box protectors not just for dust protection, but for the overall appearance of my anime collection, which I happen to have sitting out on public display in my main theater room, and which sees a lot of foot traffic from my theater guests. People are constantly studying my collection during my movie nights and anime gatherings, pulling out titles to look at the covers and read the info on the back, so I wanted my collection to be as presentable and well protected from handling as possible. And with all that handling, I need good protection from scratched cases and shelf wear, as well. My collection is not stuffed away in a bedroom or another remote room in the house where it is never seen or touched; it has exposure to a lot of eyeballs and roaming hands all the time.

For my UE/CE/PE/LE box sets that are shrink-wrapped from the factory, I never remove the plastic until I make a resealable bag that fits it. I just slit a small "door" in the shrink-wrap on the open side of the box to be able to remove the contents, and leave the shrink-wrap on for protection.
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Actually bedrooms are the about the worst when it comes to dust, your average mattresses is a major source of dust.

I also don't keep my manga in bags and they're mostly mint. French release have dustcovers too so they're way more fragile than those english release without. I don't know what you're doing with them (and don't want to) but it surprises me a lot. And I'm maniac about the condition too.

The only that really damages the books are smoke and sunlight. Dust does nothing to them. Plastic doesn't protect from sunlight nor smoke as it's not airtight. Also if your book falls down while in a plastic bag it can't deform to absorb the shock and rather will have more permanent deformation at the point of impact.

There's just no added value to putting under plastic any book.
The dust I have experienced often comes with some sort of grain, it can easily scratch up things. slight scratches mostly, but I don't really like them either. About dust jackets from France - I actually don't really like them either, they are mostly indeed fragile and make them even less durable. (What's the point of them if they scratch more easily on dust grains than what they are supposed to protect...) But Japanese ones usually are very durable and I quite like them. (Aside from the fact that some even use the space below it have extra content on the cover below the jackets.)
One other way is to just put everything in cardboxes, but then you can't see, what's inside without opening it. (I do that for my reading piles.)
Packing mangas into batched of about 3-4 comes with another handy effect: bricks-sized as they are then, they don't just fall off to the side, if you remove a piece from a complete shelf. I don't know why, but single books always fall over (and if they fall stupidly right of the floor they go in a 2nd step.) Granted, single books under plastic are even worse than those without, so I always try to have at least 2 in a bundle if I can.
I don't know what kind of dust you're dealing with but it doesn't seem like the one we have here :p
Also each manga publishers in France picks a certain material for the dust cover, it can vary between titles from the same distributor. They usually try to match the Japanese release (Kana, Casterman, Delcourt Tonkam, Ki-oon…) and I must say they age quite well if you take care of them. I just checked some of them which I've owned for 10 years or more and they're still looking good. I only have serious issue with one title, Soil by Atsushi Kaneko published by Ankama (masterpiece, read it if you get the chance to!). They used some extremly thin and grainy paper that gets damaged by just existing. Also maybe it's because I'm used to it but I always get extremly confused when I get my hands on a manga which has no dust cover (say, for a Dark Horse release), it just doesn't seem right.
It does depend a lot by the French publisher, Mushishi from Kana is pretty nice (actually even more durable than the japanese one, which has some sort of wrinkly paper as the dust jacket to emulate the scrols feeling) and Amanchu is also pretty durable. The ones I have had from Clair the Lune however are easily the least durable ones of them all. Rozen Maiden Saison 2 by Soleil has a really nice artwork print, but it's really not durable along the fold edge. What also pretty much annoys me is the fact that many volumes tend to have a wrong fold, just slightly askew, so the flap sticks out and then of course that part gets damaged easily. Refolding is quite a pain and leaves marks (and sometimes even damage.)
But that has not even happened a single time with Japanese ones.
Actually there's a reason to that, because the printers in Europe build themselves the machines to fold them, as the printed quantity doesn't match the Japanese one it wasn't profitable to buy a Japanese machine that can handle five zeros prints when you're dealing with a three zero print (and with way less release coming out every month). There's some fun trivia regarding those machines by the way. Hérissey build their own, which was known to be kind of taped together and when they went bankrupt, that specific machine was bought by a competitor because it was actually folding the dust covers really well.
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