Okay - thoughts were invited on this, so I'm going to offer them:
Single volumes available on BD, but no BD option for complete collections is a bad model to follow.
Bit of a slap in the face to the fans who either can't afford single volumes / initial releases or don't like the idea of those over a complete set.
BUT... before I pull on my Entitled Fan trousers, I'd prefer to see something more comprehensive by way of an explanation for this. If this is a cost cutting measure, it may need a re-think. If it's to do with licensing (which isn't completely impossible, as I understand it) then it still stinks, but we could appreciate Manga Entertainment's hands being tied.
I'm disappointed, though. I mean, if this is the plan going forward for their releases in general, I'm not enthusiastic. I was just getting used to the idea of having anime on BD, as well.
I'm making assumptions here, granted, but IF this is how Manga Entertainment are intending to do business... just look at this thread for an indication of how that's going to work out. Fans are becoming irritated and rejecting new releases at their point of solicitation. And if that doesn't ring alarm bells, I don't know what will.
I've got a bad feeling about this.