brynthaboss said:
freedom of speech comes into mind
I love it when people resort to clichès to try and prove a point.
Lets get one thing straight, people are entitled to their own opinions, but that doesn't for one moment mean you can exercise that opinion just for the sake of being able to so (well you can, but its an unpleasant characteristic as a result). Freedom of speech is something to be used responsibly and at the right moment at the right time. I didn't sart this thread for trivial argument - if you want that there are other threads on the forum where I'm sure that tendency can be catered for.
I mean, in this thread alone there are plenty of opinions I disagree with totally (and I bet I'm not the only one here either), but what do I gain by opposing another persons view point within this thread? The only reason I can think of is if I wanted to provoke a reaction and / or engage in a debate, which you clearly did on this occasion (and I'm being foolish because I'm taking the bait).
So yeah, I agree with that point - were all entitled to our own opinions and have "freedom of speech" but that doesn't mean people should express those opinions / beliefs just because "they can" (that doesn't mean it won't stop them, its their right. But ultimately it can end up being counter productive, as it has here because its annoyed me, no doubt annoyed you and ultimately has contaminated the thread). It makes a mockery of the whole concept.
Point made.
P.S. Yes, I am aware at how I've blown this whole affair out of proportion but issues like this tend to lead on to bigger things.