Underrated Anime?

Lupus Inu said:
Xelis said:
Also I feel another (not really under-rated, more overlooked) anime is Monster (Yes I keep mentioning it :p), but its got, possibly, the best storyline ever, its just the 74 episode count that puts people off, which is a real shame.
I've been reading the manga, but then stopped, I'm on like... volume 3 and it's shaping up very well so far. I'll watch the anime and see how "faithful" faithful is when it comes to Madhouse.

Apparently its pritty much scene for scene (Sincity comic-movie like)
Xelis said:
Lupus Inu said:
Xelis said:
Also I feel another (not really under-rated, more overlooked) anime is Monster (Yes I keep mentioning it :p), but its got, possibly, the best storyline ever, its just the 74 episode count that puts people off, which is a real shame.
I've been reading the manga, but then stopped, I'm on like... volume 3 and it's shaping up very well so far. I'll watch the anime and see how "faithful" faithful is when it comes to Madhouse.

Apparently its pritty much scene for scene (Sincity comic-movie like)

Certainly the first few episodes are. I stopped watching Monster anime after five episodes because it was identical to the manga in pretty much every respect. It's an absolutely amazing manga, but not one I'm interested in seeing animated. It's more faithful than even the Death Note anime, which I gave up on for precisely the same reason.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
harkins said:
I still think Kino’s Journey has something to offer as a fine example of anime, but perhaps it can only ever be considered a cult classic or something. It certainly manages to break the mould.
I've been hovering over buying that. Seen the boxset for £16. Still unsure though.

Really? Where? Was £6 a volume last time i checked but hey any money saved is a bonus.
Animated FatCat said:
Gasaraki. It's not for everyone, some may find it a snooze fest, but it has a lot of depth and requires repeat viewings to enhance it.

right on. I can appreciate the complexity of it, but my boyfriend sure can't handle watching it once, let alone a few times!