-Danielle- said:
I'm sick of the constant push back on Durarara!!! (!!!!!!!!!!!). I preordered it back on the 3rd Feb for it's May release and it's doing my head in now how it keeps getting pushed further and further back. It's the DVD version I want, I've never seen the Anime before an I'm dying to! Really really not happy
It's not much better if you bought the Blu-rays and are waiting on the replacement disks to be able to watch it. ^_~
And as Durarara season 2 will have aired by the time the Blu-rays are authored I might as well wait another year to watch it completely with season 2. Not sure yet.
-Danielle- said:
I hope if it's ready before they've done what they must with the Blu-ray, they release the DVD instead of waiting for both to be done/finished before release. Most of the hold up sounds like it is on the Blu-ray side (let me know if I'm wrong

) so I don't think it's fair on us DVD users lol
They wanted to fix the issues of/on the Blu-ray first so the DVD would be "flawless" as well, so while it is possible for the DVD to come out before Blu-ray, I wouldn't count on it.
Truth be told, every disk, no matter the format or what is used for has a flaw somewhere. Even the supposedly perfect Japanese releases have flaws.
(But the only thing a lot of anime-fans see is that the Japanese disks are way better in quality than the English ones which... makes sense, I guess.)
Note bene: take in account the broad/wide definition of "flaw" when I mention every disk has flaws, no matter its origination.
-Danielle- said:
I might just have to end up going on Crunchyroll or something for it but then that might take away my temptation to purchase it at all so I duno
Good things come to those who wait! ~~
NormanicGrav said:
The issues (AFAIK) were:
- No sign/lyric subtitles for the English dub (includes Celty's Phone, Online Chat conversations and Russian dialogue).
- Dozens of subtitle issues from various episodes.
- Mix up with the Opening/Closing options on the main menu.
- Region free when it's supposed to be region locked.
-Danielle- said:
Ah dammit, that's a shame. Being a dub fan, the first two issues don't bother me but the last two, well, yeah. Dammit, genuine wait I have to force myself to be patient with *shakes fist* lol.
I believe the first problem will bother you, as that's why I'm waiting.
Apparently there're some vital details to the story being told in the chatbox/texts/... which is why a signs track is so needed for the dub.
And why in the world would it bother you that the release is region free (aka A-B-C or region 0)? It means you can play the disks anywhere in the world.
Dannielle said:
Once the surveys come out for disk replacements I would presume the DVD release would be imminent though I have no idea how long it takes to author disks.
For what I know it officially takes 6 weeks to produce a DVD from start to finish (so including authoring, replication, encoding, QC, etc).
And for Blu-ray it takes TWICE as long because,
as Justin Sevakis explained in an ANN podcast, Blu-rays you need to program/code.
(And there is an awful lot that can go and will go wrong thanks to that)
Nota bene: This reminded me I meant to reply to that Justin Sevakis topic, much like I never thanked everybody for PITUK 1. I'm such a douche at the best of times. XD My apologies for that.
Dannielle said:
Either way, it's shocking how it wasn't fixed in the Aus (Was it Aus they got it from? Thinking it was) release tbh.
Siren Visual is currently the smallest company in Australia and it was stated they weren't provided a signs-sub track. So yeah, you tally it up.