Completely Average High School Student
Finally some movement well better than last year when got stuff in january
It takes time, i had one despatched monday, still says royal mail had it, i have 2 orders not even sent yet, today was last day today and they close i think until new year aswell, so ill be waiting mid jan for my 2 orders i guessFinally some movement well better than last year when got stuff in january
Noooooooooo………It takes time, i had one despatched monday, still says royal mail had it, i have 2 orders not even sent yet, today was last day today and they close i think until new year aswell, so ill be waiting mid jan for my 2 orders i guess
Yes, 2 ordersAnyone else still waiting for an order to ship? TBF i waited until the last day of the sale so they are obviously quite inundated with orders. I'm just being antsy because I get jealous when I see everyone else's haul!![]()
"Lost" lost or just "we'll deliver today between 9 and 13:00" for days in a row?anyone intl also got their packages lost by ups in Koeln Germany?? Friend of mine got theirs lost, really worried for mine now... no movement since the 13th. Meanwhile my 3rd order went through and already left.
Ugh I'm glad most of this box is still in stock but rip the plastic memories CEs maybe it was even more fate that I didnt get prillya and MCILAL CEs... though if i had maybe my package woulda gone later who knows..
I half think though that distro center is probably just overrun with packages cause holidays rn so maybe they'll find it after but man this is honestly why i wish they had options to hold packages post Christmas. I always try not to order near the holidays for this very reason especially internationally...
Man I hope maybe they go back to fedex shipping after this ;-;
My package had been stuck in DE for almost a week with only delivery ETA updates (just saying "transit delay") no actual location update until it updated with "merchandise missing. UPS will contact the sender" just like my friend's. Luckily, a few hours later it said it was dispatched from DE and otw to destination facility. I looked into it and apparently 90% of the time they've "lost" a package it's just that the label was damaged and couldnt be read by the automated sorting machines so they get set aside to be manually sorted and get reprinted labels."Lost" lost or just "we'll deliver today between 9 and 13:00" for days in a row?
My first package took over a week from the first announcement to the actual delivery.
According to my neighbour -who had to deal with them a bit more often in the last days- UPS is currently allocating 3 times as many packages per delivery than the truck can physically contend, so while the system happily sends out mails that the package is "coming today" there's no guarantee that it's actually on the truck and even if its on the truck there's no guarantee that it will be delivered the same day.
(Mind you while I had to wait for a week, his package took longer!)
I actually just received the info from UPS this morning that my second package was cleared by customs and that the current delivery date is set for the 21st...
so apparently the system UPS uses doesn't consider time like the rest of us and is actively working on time travel. (double checked the year. It's still 2024)
What are you waiting on!what a joke still waiting for orders though open now / some say sent but no tracking lol come on alltheanime emails and facebook aint working to reach them
There's an update about this in the Anime Limited thread.Starting to think one of my parcels may be lost - still waiting on 2 from the sale.
One I'm not too concerned about as it simply hasn't been dispatched yet (although now everything is up and running again surprised it still hasn't).
The other has been dispatched though - royal mail tracking just says 'we're expecting it', and that update was from 16/12/24. I'm hoping it just found itself in a Christmas backlog but every day with no update makes it seem less likely.
How did you solve the missing EORI and VAT number? UPS contacted me about that as well. It seems that those are assigned to companies but I'm just a consumer. Why does UPS think that the package is imported by a company?I just received my Your Lie in April and Outlaw Star CE in perfect condition from Royal Mail/PostNL. Very happy with that, especially after receiving the damaged Black Lagoon CE I bought before it went on sale.
Like others in this thread, I've had bad experiences with UPS. Really preferred FedEx. And now customs has been holding my large order this entire week because UPS is missing information. They are asking for a EORI and a VAT number, I immediately asked AL customer service for these but they haven't responded yet. Any other EU customers having this issue?
Individuals can have EORI numbers but not VAT, i have one. I needed to get one when I got something from an artist I follow who lives in Asia.How did you solve the missing EORI and VAT number? UPS contacted me about that as well. It seems that those are assigned to companies but I'm just a consumer. Why does UPS think that the package is imported by a company?
I'm very annoyed by this. I've received many packages from outside the EU through DHL or local carriers, never have they asked for these things.