u know a serect.

One is enough to start the reproduction cycle.

If water is tasteless, then why does it taste so bad when it's hot?
At least 20, and that's on a good day :twisted:

If you could turn one anime character into a real person, who would you pick and why? :]
Jiraiya - Just so that we can do the one-legged hop dance he does when introduing himself. :D

Would you go on a blind date with anyone?
I have (sort of) been on one before, we did date for awhile, but he turned out to be a bit of a d**k :p

What would you like to be reincarnated as?
Someone who'd have the same life as I... watching anime for the most part!

Would you destroy a planet if you had the power to?
Yes, so long as they were legally taking it, and it wasn't a waking up in a bathtub full of ice moment :p

If someone wronged you, would you seek revenge?
Depends... petty things I couldn't care much for. I'd probably just give them a piece of my mind, but some things just cant be forgiven.

Have you ever wished/longed for something, only to want to take it back (not physically, but emotionally/regretably)?
Definately not the head-spin... I like my neck.
Probably when your on your hands/feet, your torso being the centre of rotation and you step around in a circle, which builds you up for the back-spin.

If you could decide what theme a costume party has to be like, what would you chose the guests to come in?
Only one?! :eek: My dog.

If someone offered you a million pounds, but said the catch was to kill someone would you do it? :twisted: