u know a serect.

I'd trade my football skills for some listening skills. I suck at that, and I make one hundred assumptions even before I let the person finish the sentence.

If you could go back in time, what would you change in your life? (No cheats like bring back lottery numbers!)
stabbing the customers where i work who are always too stupid to see the product right in front of them that they have stopped me to ask for.

if you could come back in a second life what would u be?
Richer than Alan Sugar. XD
Otherwise, A tiger who lives with the monks. Respectable lifestyle.

If you had to choose a dancestyle, what would you learn?
(Ahhh and optimist rather than pesimist. Good job!)
Hire Story of the Year to play a gig nearby, ending with "Anthem of our Dying Days." Then shout "F*ck you" to the world. :p

If you could opperate any kind of transport (even the more sci-fi like stuff), what would you use?
Hand jive! No... but really, I would like to gave the gift of the gab. Much easier to talk to people, ask for favours and get to know people more.

What was the longest time you've stayed up for without sleep? How did you feel while it was happening?
72 hours on a booze cruise! basically all we had to eat and drink were alchol and hotdogs. also with all the smoking we did at the end of the trip i felt like death warmed up!

what's ur best quality?
I would say being polite and hard working. Both were necessary to keep a good position in retail. I still get the "I've never heard you swear before" quotes when I do get a bit stressed.

If you wanted to do something completely reckless with no consequences (law/injury/reputation/etc), what would you do?
Chaz said:
(Ahhh and optimist rather than pesimist. Good job!)
Hire Story of the Year to play a gig nearby, ending with "Anthem of our Dying Days." Then shout "F*ck you" to the world. :p
Someone who likes SOTY, I like you :D

Punch the queen!!

If you could bring one anime character to the RL world, who would you pick and why?
bungee jumping out of a plane with no parachute! i know what it is like to work in retail belive me!

if one country was to be blown off the face of the planet what would you choose?
Monster's Johan.

Sealand, since there would be less victims, and a smaller impact on the planet itself.

If you could get Microsoft to grant you one wish what would it be?
Scrap the monopoly crap and focus on products. They have the money and the people to make great products and they have been doing some decent oens recently, so why can't we be friedns?

If you had the money, would you buy Manga Ent? And then what?
Well, I'd help fund it, but I wouldn't want to control it. I don't find things out as early as most people, so I wouldn't be very good at the job. (Like what's hot/not and what's been made.)

Are you someone that finds respect/honour in hand to hand combat, or would you find projectiles more effective/reasonable?
Depends what I would be up against! :p Hand to hand combat would have to be the better choice imo. Less chance of innocent casulaties!

Would you like to change your body if you could to make it look different/better?
Reinforced lungs and liver. Oh wait, to change the looks. I think I'll take a pair of breasts just for the heck of it. 8)

Do you use a sat nav within your own city?
Yes. I keep getting myself lost, therefore late for my apointments. Oh, and I don't drive or cycle to places.

Which is your favourite spice girl?