Things/People that you find annnoying.

Lupus Inu said:
I found a new one, today actually... HATE people who pay using Credit cards in stores, use money like everyone else. -_-
I only hate that if it turns out they can't remeber their pin.
Lupus Inu said:
I found a new one, today actually... HATE people who pay using Credit cards in stores, use money like everyone else. -_-

Hmm, don't see how that's majorly annoying. And it's quite a common thing.

I hate the way that emo is engulfing rock music. MCR are the #1 "metal" band on myspace music...
Also anime fans complaining about anime fans who are complaining about anime fans.

Yes i hate ultimate fanboys/girls who will hunt you down if you critisize what ever anime it is they watch. But honest to god i don't need a 6 page thread bitch out about it.

This was on another forum, i think i stopped visiting it for about a month after that incident. I also hate people that are so out of touch with reality that the fall for fictional characters. Again on the same forum there was this one user who preffered anime characters to people, now i don't mean things like oh but shes cuter than the girls i know. I'm talking about "No woman could ever match X from X" This also goes for LOTR and Matrix obessives, Trinity isn't real you buttholes.

Little bit too far yakno'
Oh, and about fansubbers I don't like it when they put endless explanations of Japanese words at the top of the screen. Like for example they say 'bento' in the sub but then at the top of the screen there's a translation note that says 'bento = lunchbox'. Why not just say lunchbox? But nevermind, I only use fansubs as testers or to hold out until a real licence.
In relation to fansubbers theres one thing i hate about dvd licensers.

Why are fansubbers the only ones that translate notes/signs that are in japanese. From what i've seen most of the english releases dont do this and it really annoys me.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Oh, and about fansubbers I don't like it when they put endless explanations of Japanese words at the top of the screen. Like for example they say 'bento' in the sub but then at the top of the screen there's a translation note that says 'bento = lunchbox'. Why not just say lunchbox? But nevermind, I only use fansubs as testers or to hold out until a real licence.

Because i guess they are the same people that say "Arigato" instead of thank s.
My girlfriend when she's watching soaps and trisha style programmes, its only tv but she screams at the tv like they can hear her
Hyaku said:
butch-cassidy said:
This :p

Hyaku said:
- White people who dress like black people

Hyaku said:
- Racist people

To be honest, theres no contradiction there.

People who dress like black people often ACT like black people, which in itself is racism.

No mate, the suggestion that there is a special way that black people act and that white people are not allowed to act in a similar fashion could easily be considered racist.
butch-cassidy said:
Hyaku said:
butch-cassidy said:
This :p

Hyaku said:
- White people who dress like black people

Hyaku said:
- Racist people

To be honest, theres no contradiction there.

People who dress like black people often ACT like black people, which in itself is racism.

No mate, the suggestion that there is a special way that black people act and that white people are not allowed to act in a similar fashion could easily be considered racist.

I never said people of the opposing race couldn't act like one another, but from certain peoples POV, it could be construed as racism.

Some blacks refer to each other as the N word, yet if a white person did that he'd get his face ripped off.
I don't think it's racism unless they're ridiculing someone's taste in clothes, wearing it only to demonstrate something...

-watches Crash-

... forgot to put what i was originally gonna say ^_^;
I really hate the people in Trafalgar that feed/ molest the pigeons, i want those nasty things gone and there are these people that keep bringing them back, really unnerves me.
i also hate
:people who hold you againt your word even if you were joking
:people who take characters faces from anime and stick them together (jk nyu)
:people who think your gay for watching anime
:people who take things 1 step too far (me :wink: )
*People who are smug
*People taking credit for stuff they didnt do
*People who have nothing better to do than to point out all the faults in your life and what you do