Smeelia said:
I think this Splatoon game would appeal to me on the "dress-up" aspects alone (which is also one of the main reasons I'm an RPG fan). Sadly, I don't have a Wii U and I'm not likely to get one. Maybe that's for the best though if it's a team based game and I ended up dragging everyone down by being rubbish and missing opportunities to progress in favour of examining people's choice of attire.
I think that's the beauty of Splatoon, there's soo many ways to help your team that you never feel like a burden or a weak link, because the aim of the game is to just paint your colors on the ground, so just the act of shooting,
anywhere is having a positive influence on your team. There's many roles you can take, from being the one who 'kills' the opposing players which isn't the aim of the game but gives your team more time to paint the world to staying behind at your spawn point and making sure that your half of the map is protected to just staying out of trouble and painting whatever. I go from absolutely destroying the other team to getting destroyed in the next game, and the teams are constantly reshuffled so its impossible to every place the blame on a single person, unless you do nothing at all

I never play online games, and that's due to anxiety even online, but in Splatoon I think everybody pulls their own weight just by being present.
ilmaestro said:
From what I've heard, the way they've integrated a little bit of motion control into the game really works well, and using the Wii U pad ends up feeling natural.
Yeah the motion controls are amazing. Like I said, the aim of the game is to just paint the ground, so accuracy isn't the point here, not to say that the motion controls aren't accurate, because the gyro in the gamepad is amazing. You can disable the motion by the way. The way it works is, even when enabled you use the right stick to aim, but the gyro enables you to move your reticle more freely and faster (the sensitivity of the stick can be adjusted btw) so its a mix of using both, but you can turn the motion off and just use the sticks (which I think overall puts you at a massive disadvantage). Motion controls have a lot of negative baggage attached to them, but almost everybody whose played Splatoon have fell in love with their implementation here