The Official 3DS Friend Code List


Mario Kart 7 Community Code: 49-6884-7739-8611

I'll update this post with everyone's friend code

3DS Friend Codes

afoia - 4511-0452-9300
Maxon - 0946-2220-2112
Lupus - 1203-9396-6213
alexrose1uk - 3351-4045-9961
Max Takeshi - 3050-7568-0559
Aya-Kun - 2750 1083 2171
Joshawott - 3652-0514-0520
Arbalest - 3523-2023-9757
Rena Ryuugu - 4339 2721 0266
Reevothemusefan - 0946-3567-3512
ikarichan - 0817 4193 8794
Cathe - 3781-0421-0485
FourthLion - 0044-3181-1969
Ath - 0559-6748-9798
Taylor - 4785-4583-8486
Tachi - 4184-1933-9649
Fudge, how did I not notice this? I has Mario Kart too! (but I suck so much my 7 year old brother beats me).

you know, i saw this, thought ok, then blanked it for some reason. No idea why. Here's mine to add to the list:


chances are you will see me on DOA, Resi Mercs or letterbox a lot. If not, the 3DS GBA ambassador titles.
Just a note, I also have Dead or Alive, Super Street Fighter IV and Kid Icarus =3. Send me a PM if you add me, so I can add you back.
If im looking in the right place, mine is:


I just got it today, let me know if you add me so I can add you back! :D