That's a pleasant surprise. I was disappointed by the flacid ending to the first season, so hopefully this will kick it up a notch.
Shonen Jump series Candy Flurry has been axed.
Ippon Takegushi, Santa Mitarashi's Candy Flurry Manga Ends in Shonen Jump
Duo launched candy-themed manga in April // This year's 41st issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine published the final chapter on Monday of
Not really disguised no. Macross stands as one of the most influential franchises in the mecha genre and mixes it really well with the music and romance genres. I'd recommend it but you already seem pretty put off at the moment. Not a fan of one of those genres I take it?So is Macross just an Idol series feebly disguised as a mecha series? No wonder I get such bad vibes about it, lol.
Ah fair enough I didn't know that lol. I don't really keep good track of what genres people like so you're good. We all have our different taste and all that.Romance I do like, although I find romance in the majority of anime never really develops or goes anywhere, so is mostly a yawn-fest. And at the risk of getting more flak from repeating myself, but since I was asked directly, I'll just quickly say I'll run away screaming from any Idol anime, and giant mecha is not something I really go for at all, although I do like some of the newer mecha series like Aldnoah Zero and Kuromukuro.