Nemphtis said:I got bored of Gunz when I realised there was no real challenge on the game. Don't misunderstand and I hope I'm not the only one but to put it very bluntly; most Gunz players really suck when it comes to skill. I found Counter-Strike a lot more challenging as there are many experienced players on there.
Xelis said:Nemphtis said:I got bored of Gunz when I realised there was no real challenge on the game. Don't misunderstand and I hope I'm not the only one but to put it very bluntly; most Gunz players really suck when it comes to skill. I found Counter-Strike a lot more challenging as there are many experienced players on there.
Gunz comes no where near CT, its Source engine for starters is possibly the best out there.
Charter_Mage said:I just play FlyForFun, i have no space on my computer for anything else, or any money to play anything i have to pay for, i would love to play a few more games though.
It's very addictive, as i suppose all MMORPGs are. I just have one character, a Mage. My sister also plays and has about a million different characters, so i play it whenever shes not playing...which isn't often. I was utterly addicted to it for a while, but i try to play it alot less, partly because i have a load of other work i should be doing, and partly because i was getting RSI O_O.
But as a free MMORPG i would definitely recommend it, more people from the this forum should play and then we can start a AnimeUKNews guild![]()
Arbalest said:MMO's aren't that evil, i find them sometimes enjoyable when i have nothing else to do. Mind you the idea of actually making an Animeuknews guild is actually kinda interesting heh.
I imagine you've played all the MMORPGs out there, and made your expert analysis based on the information you have gathered over the years, or you're just another one of those people who seem to think the product they own is the greatest product ever, simply because it's the product they own. :]Joe said:WOW is the only MMO worth playing all the others are complete crap!!!!
Joe said:WOW is the only MMO worth playing all the others are complete crap!!!!
Nemphtis said:Anyway moving on swiftly, I just wanted to say that after taking a two month break from Final Fantasy XI it seems I'm completely addicted once again. There's something about FFXI which makes me prefer it over MMORPGs such as WoW. I think in WoW you can do too many things solo, nearly everything in fact. Final Fantasy XI forces you to rely on others and make friends in order to progress since practically everything requires you to join a party. Needless to say, if you're a regular asshole on FFXI you will have a very hard time finding a party that will want you amongst them in battle. WoW has far too many immature idiots because it's too popular, which is something Blizzard can't be blamed for as their game is very good but it's how things work.