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I don't know whether it's me but I'm struggling to get context from your posts.

Which part of the story do you disagree with, exactly? She said she speaks no Lithuanian and talked to the local police/ambulance. She can't have talked to anyone right away because she was barely conscious for a long period. She thinks that someone might have spiked the drinks she was given at a sleazy meet and greet arranged by a now-fired staffer and potentially also by a proud racist associate. It feels as though the parties and sleaze are all widely acknowledged as real, so it doesn't sound even slightly implausible to me that some people who attend those parties might end up having a less than great experience.

It doesn't really matter who she is or why she might make choices she made. She's trying to warn other girls not to get caught up in sleazy parties, not get something out of it herself. She even said the show itself would be great to attend, just not the sleazy backstage stuff. Till is a powerful guy, not an underdog in need of mindless support. I don't see what's in it for her by lying about having had a bad night, so I'm strongly inclined to believe her. As for who caused the bad night, that's for the investigation and the band to figure out. But when so many people over a period of time have reported questionable behaviour, I think 'innocent until proven guilty' is no reason to discredit the latest report. She's 'innocent until proven guilty' too, remember?

So what part of the story is contentious? Even if she proactively signed up to sleep with the guy (which it doesn't sound as though she did), she's allowed to back out if she wants to at any point. At what point does the established reality swerve into being too implausible?

I'm not going to burn my Rammstein collection but I believe her.

I don't know whether it's me but I'm struggling to get context from your posts.

Which part of the story do you disagree with, exactly? She said she speaks no Lithuanian and talked to the local police/ambulance. She can't have talked to anyone right away because she was barely conscious for a long period. She thinks that someone might have spiked the drinks she was given at a sleazy meet and greet arranged by a now-fired staffer and potentially also by a proud racist associate. It feels as though the parties and sleaze are all widely acknowledged as real, so it doesn't sound even slightly implausible to me that some people who attend those parties might end up having a less than great experience.

It doesn't really matter who she is or why she might make choices she made. She's trying to warn other girls not to get caught up in sleazy parties, not get something out of it herself. She even said the show itself would be great to attend, just not the sleazy backstage stuff. Till is a powerful guy, not an underdog in need of mindless support. I don't see what's in it for her by lying about having had a bad night, so I'm strongly inclined to believe her. As for who caused the bad night, that's for the investigation and the band to figure out. But when so many people over a period of time have reported questionable behaviour, I think 'innocent until proven guilty' is no reason to discredit the latest report. She's 'innocent until proven guilty' too, remember?

So what part of the story is contentious? Even if she proactively signed up to sleep with the guy (which it doesn't sound as though she did), she's allowed to back out if she wants to at any point. At what point does the established reality swerve into being too implausible?

I'm not going to burn my Rammstein collection but I believe her.

Doxxing the other victims why do that and I'm going by what I've read.
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Genuinely cannot tell if quoting me with no additional text is a mistake or a newfangled way of expressing disagreement 😅

Doxxing the other victims why do that and I'm going by what I've read.

I can't see this in her Reddit or Twitter history. I can, however, see statements from her clearly explaining that she wasn't sexually assaulted and had never implied otherwise at any point. She was drugged and doesn't know who did it. The band. The staff. The other girls. She was also injured when she came around but again, she doesn't know who did it. The parties exist and are full of sex (even people supporting the band said that much) so I don't think that this is even in question.

We may never know the full story but flaming someone for claiming to have had a drink spiked when everyone knows that frequently happens seems a bit, well, pointless? I don't know anyone involved well enough to say that it's impossible that they did something like that, and neither do you. Yet people are piling on and threatening her life with fake accounts. Her campaign to get people to realise that the parties are sex hookups seems completely harmless when nobody has ever denied that it's true. And warning young groupies to be safe seems similarly benign. Even if we assume that the drink was spiked by another party attendee and the band is completely blameless, these groupies will go to more parties and need to be careful. The core premise - that the band needs to put more in place to protect vulnerable groupies at organised hookup parties - sounds like good sense all around.

I can't see this in her Reddit or Twitter history. I can, however, see statements from her clearly explaining that she wasn't sexually assaulted and had never implied otherwise at any point. She was drugged and doesn't know who did it. The band. The staff. The other girls. She was also injured when she came around but again, she doesn't know who did it. The parties exist and are full of sex (even people supporting the band said that much) so I don't think that this is even in question.

We may never know the full story but flaming someone for claiming to have had a drink spiked when everyone knows that frequently happens seems a bit, well, pointless? I don't know anyone involved well enough to say that it's impossible that they did something like that, and neither do you. Yet people are piling on and threatening her life with fake accounts. Her campaign to get people to realise that the parties are sex hookups seems completely harmless when nobody has ever denied that it's true. And warning young groupies to be safe seems similarly benign. Even if we assume that the drink was spiked by another party attendee and the band is completely blameless, these groupies will go to more parties and need to be careful. The core premise - that the band needs to put more in place to protect vulnerable groupies at organised hookup parties - sounds like good sense all around.

They didn't have some thing called crisis management until now it screams incompetence they should had this from day one.the keyboard player says in his book not that I've read it that till is more of a work colleague then a friend I don't get it how you be in a band and not know someone?
I was just watching the till lindeman live in Moscow golden shower reaction video now I know why the Wembley arena show is 18+ only lol
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More unexpected expense tonight as when I was watching something recorded on my Freesat box it randomly went back to the live TV area and wouldn't play anything.
After the time honoured "switch it off and back on again" it seems the hard drive has packed in. Got it a couple of years ago second hand so who knows how old the hard drive actually is.

Just went so suddenly, annoyingly if I had the tools & knowledge replacing the hard drive is easy (hardest bit seems to get into the box as it has plastic clips). Picked up another second hand box from eBay for £75 so hopefully I will get a recorder again. Just to fast forward the annoying adverts you would get if watching things on demand.

(Financial situation will get better in a couple of weeks time when mum gets her first payment of state pension)
There a train strike happening at the end of next month.I'm going to hyper Japan on the 22 will this affect me getting to Olympia I live in bow my closest tube station is mile end.
Oh god sake the old Rammstein are Nazis bs happening again. till lindeman is Innocent unit proven guilty this trial social media crap is disturbing some times I think the internet was a bad idea.
I've been reading about the Titan submersible pretty much all day, as I have nothing at all to do at work (too good for the role, already did everything as well as being hired out by other teams)

I just think it's completely obscene how much safety was ignored here. The sub pings evry 15 minutes, it stops around 10am and NOTHING IS DONE until gone 5pm

what the hell were they thinking. There should be an extremely clear process for any situation when undertaking something as inherently dangerous as this

I'm sure more miscalculations will emerge

A director (I believe) raised multiple safety concerns back in 2018. This went to a lawsuit (because it was THAT SERIOUS) which was eventually settled.

Blatant disregards. Personally, I would argue that a main reason for this was due to the pursuit of profit. Yet some say we can trust private entities to bring our society forward... It's a horrific incident that has involved the tragic loss of five lives. It's five too many. Yet, thousands more are dying worldwide of all sorts of things equally and this is never talked about. What world do we live in? We can do so much more
I've only caught a couple of bits of news about this. One showed the company being run out of some random industrial estate warehouse and the other that there were numerous worries about the construction of the craft.
Sounds like a right dodgy company!
It was supposedly using old scaffholding as balast and its control system was a wireless logitech PC game controller from 2011. It was so shoddy that the craft literally could have met its end due to stick drift (who tf entrusts control of a submersible to a £60 lump of plastic?).

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