The General Conversation Area

I don't need to play Tach, plenty of people walk past shouting "Bingo" already. :lol: I'm looking forward to heading home today as well...

@chaos - Isn't Ayacon on the 14th-16th? And in Warwick? How does that tie into Leeds on the 8th? :?
Ayase+Tachi i need some advice, and i know you guys are fellow writers...regardless of when the last time you wrote.

How long do you think it would take to write 500 words and then a writting sample of between 500-1000 words so 1000-1500 words in total, and then doing it a second time?
The awkward answer is, it depends how fast you can write. :p

If you went all out working throughout the day no more than two or three days I should think. If you're doing it at a more leisurely pace then perhaps a week.

(I'm accounting for this being creative writing and you having to think up the contents while you write mind).
i see probably should mention the deadline for the contest i'm thinking of is next monday...I'm torn between wanting to go for it because by the looks of things this is the last submission contest before they overhaul things sometime next year, and that annoying little voice in my head which says "you're going to fail, give it up"

Thanks anyway Ayase :)
@Ayase - Because the band I wanted to see in Leeds will be playing on the 15th in London, the day of Ayacon, when I can't get to their gig without missing any events at Aya.

@Black - I had to write a composition for my english exam - 500 words in 40 minutes. It was ok.
I'm currently very annoyed for the fact that I've had to cancel my trip to the seaside (my birthday is now going to be spent watching Cash in the Attic with my nan D: ) and that the majority of the time youths from poor backgrounds will never be successful.
There goes my hopes of moving to London. D:
i agree with ayase. it shouldn't take you too long to do.
if you brainstorm characters, plot and places then start on framework on it, then it'll make the writting alot easier, if you started yesterday then by today you should be through the first 150 - 200 words with ease.

Like with most writting, the best work is done on prep and framework. i remember in my english Coursework i had to write a brief story which lasted for as many pages as we want and no less than a single page. i submitted a page and a half of writing and got an A*. mainly because i'd done the framework beforehand. the rest was description.

remember that quality over quantity will aid you much more than drabbling on for 20 pages.

Play on your strengths and try your best at your weaknesses (for me descritpion and imagination are my strengths)
be sure to send us a draft or something
Wow. Slow day.

Ah, you don't wanna move to London anyway Osaka, it's overpriced and too big for it's own good. Sorry about your birthday though, that sounds like the very definition of the word "disappointment". :(
its your birthday today?

its my gf's birthday too :p

i agree with ayase, london is overpriced and generally a normal life would cost you more than you would like.
for instance....when i lived in west yorkshire, houses where 80grand tops, a car you could pick up for a couple of hundred quid and it wouldn't fall apart on you on the first speedbump.

but if you where to buy a studio flat no bigger than a small bathroom space. and a car to travel....your talking 200+ grand easy. and to commute in a car would drain on every other penny.

Much better to move to a town/city surrounding london.
essex, brighton is near enough i suppose, south hampton and if needs be you could move to hertfordshire or bedfordshire :p
were only 30 mins away from london as it is.
Zeouterlimits said:
Tachi- said:
hey mono. and anyone who maybe lurking in the shadows.
*waves from the shadows*

*See's random hand appearing out of the shadows and waving at him*

*starts running*

hi mono. i'm good, just heading off home.

you and the shadowhand have great evenings!

*runs home*
morning Panda.

wow a whole day without a post from anyone lol.

i can't help i'm afraid :/
i have today to sit around the office and do prety much very little (did the hard graft at the start of the week so i could sit around today ^_^ ) and also gives me chance to investigate which b**tard drank my milkshake yesterday!

i had a whole bottle of strawberry, drank a tiny bit of it and put it in the fridge (now we are back in HQ we've been put on the same floor as another dept and they've decided that as our fridge is bigger, they'll use it) now to make things clear i put my initials on the cap of the bottles. put em in and came back to em hours later and there was less than a quarter left! and i know none of my colleagues will have drank it because they'd atleast ask. so its got to be the other dept.

i'll do the same thing today but with the banana flavoured milkshake, if it does down then i'll go round there and demand money. and extra for beeing a greedy little b***ard who steals other peoples milkshake!

what has the world come to? :/
I can't understand how people can do that. What are people like? Thankfully we are a small enough office that people don't tend to do things like that too much.
Other than that, hows things? :)
Everythings well thanks :)

Sunday i went round kayleighs for a pool party & BBQ, with typical british summery weather ;)
monday we went to see Harry Potter,
Tuesday i went round because it was her actual Birthday,
Lastnight we went bowling and i got 4 strikes in a row...i was loving it :p i let her win the second game :)
then went for a walk together before heading off home and txting till the early hours, woke up and came to work :/ still just today to go and then i'll be at home finishing off all the beer i have because me and dad have decided "it won't last whilst were gone...." and packing :) then its early to bed (maybe 1?) and up at 5 to set off to gatwick. i hate the rushing and double checking, its so tiresome. oh and i'm tidying the bathroom tonight aswell lol. (only contribution to tidying all week)

how'd the scan go? :)