The General Conversation Area

Budwieser is my frosty beer of choice. But if we're going European I'd have to vote for Sagres or Super Bock! I remember when I used to hate lager... and now I consider myself a coniseur.

My reviews are quite ranged... from "Pritty Good" to "Buffalo Ass".
chaos said:
Did you chose names already? My RL name is pretty neat, cool and can be both male / female exchanging a single letter. ;) Are you going to Ayacon this year?

We have sort of chosen names, I'm definitely giving the middle name after my sister, so for a girl it'll be Lucy and for a boy maybe Luka/Luca.
And yep me and my sister are still on for Ayacpon, but I don't think I'll be cosplaying this time - naturally I've had a lot on my mind recently(!) so I've not had time to put any costumes together!

And booooo to all of you going on about drinking alcohol this weekend in the sun. I miss it already :D
Superbock! i drink them in nando's :)

and the 4 cans of redbull is now 6 cans...and its to keep me 2 hours of sleep lastnight left me feeling that i'm about to drop dead any minute.
panda z said:
We have sort of chosen names, I'm definitely giving the middle name after my sister, so for a girl it'll be Lucy and for a boy maybe Luka/Luca.
I love Lucy! Good choices!
Just a curiosity here, in portuguese, Luca is the female form of Lucas (St. Luke, same guy from the gospel). In italian Luka is male only.

panda z said:
And yep me and my sister are still on for Ayacpon, but I don't think I'll be cosplaying this time - naturally I've had a lot on my mind recently(!) so I've not had time to put any costumes together!
You cosplayed the other years? Do you have any pics? Anyway, I'll be there as well and I'd love to meet you guys up. Need to find people to hang around with, as I'm going on my own.

panda z said:
And booooo to all of you going on about drinking alcohol this weekend in the sun. I miss it already :D
I'm no physicist, but I believe you could have one unit a day, can't you? But anyway, it's better to stay away from alcohol and cigs. Althought for some reason I don't think you're a smoker...
Luca eh Panda? Only one man I know by that name... ;)

And hey Mono, missed you back there. I'm being kept pretty busy today.
chaos said:
Just a curiosity here, in portuguese, Luca is the female form of Lucas (St. Luke, same guy from the gospel). In italian Luka is male only.
I thought I'd let my sister choose the spelling, since its her name sort of!

chaos said:
You cosplayed the other years? Do you have any pics? Anyway, I'll be there as well and I'd love to meet you guys up. Need to find people to hang around with, as I'm going on my own. ... 82696&op=6
Don't know if that link will work for you, but that's amecon last year ... =738582696
and that's Midlands Expo from last September :)

And we should defo meet up, that would be cool :)

chaos said:
I'm no physicist, but I believe you could have one unit a day, can't you? But anyway, it's better to stay away from alcohol and cigs. Althought for some reason I don't think you're a smoker...
No, not a smoker, and the midwife advised stay away from alcohol altogether, so I guess I'm the designated driver for the next six and a half months!

And the only Luka I know is the one off ER, so I'll stick with that thought thanks!!!

/EDIT - And here's my cosplay island page, which I had forgotten all about
that's got some pics too :)
Woop! 15 mins to go till I can escape to Asda to get drinks for tonight. Then I'm driving to my mams to see my brother off on his Prom night (how cute!). He has a stretched Hummer O_O
Don't ask how he can afford it.

Once he's gone and the pictures are taken, I'm gonna scoot home, shower and have wraps for tea. Then Sarah's dropping me off on Walney Island where I plan on staying for many hours drinking with my best friends....

Looking fwd to it. Gonna be all go once I fini. :p

Luca is a really nice name for a girl. Voddas Approves. I want my first girl to be called Robin. Sarah doesn't like it but I'm wearing her down. Heh.
Cya mate :) have a great weekend.

Oh btw...on the subject of a meet up...anyone want to schedule a mass meet up? probably at a expo.

Is ayacon still done every 2 years?
This is the first Aya in three years as Ame has been running consistantly for the last three years, but as far as I know it used to be every other year yep.
But an expo meetup sounds good :)
October maybe?
chaos said:
Just a curiosity here, in portuguese, Luca is the female form of Lucas (St. Luke, same guy from the gospel). In italian Luka is male only.

Oh a thought on names a? well "yuri" is actually a name but OMG it means something completely different in Japan.

I'll give you a hint Ryo-chan uses it for stimulation

take care peeps
Otaku-san said:
chaos said:
Just a curiosity here, in portuguese, Luca is the female form of Lucas (St. Luke, same guy from the gospel). In italian Luka is male only.

Oh a thought on names a? well "yuri" is actually a name but OMG it means something completely different in Japan.

I'll give you a hint Ryo-chan uses it for stimulation

take care peeps

Yuri's a great name X]! It projects such wonderful ideas
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Otaku-san said:
chaos said:
Just a curiosity here, in portuguese, Luca is the female form of Lucas (St. Luke, same guy from the gospel). In italian Luka is male only.

Oh a thought on names a? well "yuri" is actually a name but OMG it means something completely different in Japan.

I'll give you a hint Ryo-chan uses it for stimulation

take care peeps

Yuri's a great name X]! It projects such wonderful ideas

Soviet Propaganda?
panda z said:
Don't know if that link will work for you, but that's amecon last year ... =738582696
and that's Midlands Expo from last September :)

And we should defo meet up, that would be cool :)
I'll check once I get home tonight =)

panda z said:
No, not a smoker, and the midwife advised stay away from alcohol altogether, so I guess I'm the designated driver for the next six and a half months!
Mmm, I guess it can't be helped then... Don't worry, me and Tachi will drink your share ;)

Voddas said:
Luca is a really nice name for a girl. Voddas Approves. I want my first girl to be called Robin. Sarah doesn't like it but I'm wearing her down. Heh.
except, that she wants to name her boy Luca =P Robin is an awesome name as well.

Tachi- said:
Oh btw...on the subject of a meet up...anyone want to schedule a mass meet up? probably at a expo.
We've been running meetups on every expo! First and third one were good. The second meetup was a bit of a mess, as it was too crowded and people was hungry... Anyway, now we now better to schedule meetings before or after lunch time.