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i had a dream the other night...i remember it well...

I was in a random place...It was at night...and a man was laughing, and as if it was the most natural thing in the world clicked his fingers and his hand became inflamed with fire. a blue flame... then i tried to do it...clicked my fingers, nothing....i tensed all my arm and my hand as hard as possible (without clenching my fist, i kept my hand like a claw) and a small blue aura appeared for a very brief moment. i kept at it and eventually i managed to make a small but consistant flame appear. not too long after that i became aware it was becoming day and light was brightening up the world/dream. and just after that i became conscious that i was in a dream....yet i was still asleep, and roughly a few minutes later i woke up. it was weird but in a strange way very cool too me :)
Iisan - we had a bit of rain here earlier, can't see outside right now to tell you if it's raining now.

AFAIK, everybody dreams, but not everybody can remember their dreams when they awake. Dreams are part of the sleep cycle, so it's not "optional".

I've heard you could train yourself to remember your dreams, but never really look further into it.
I used to have reccuring dreams...until whatever the dream was about actually happend. it was weird for a while...then it stopped when i started year 9 =/
Tachi why does your dream make me think of Dragonball Z, crossed with a little Full Metal Alchemist :p

I don't seem to dream as much anymore, well dreams that i can remember vividly afterwards. When i was younger i had all sorts of dreams and in college i had what i classed back then as my best dream ever. In it presumedly a lot of time had passed but i woke up in a bed in a hospital gown with my wife besides me (at the time she was a girl i liked in my college class) she was relieved to see me awake and told me i had been in a coma. I was in a nice big house (my own home! and there was pictures of me with all my friends and family anywhere) unfortunatly the dream ended before i could work out what my job was :p or why exactly i was in the coma.

Intresting to point out now though, in that dream i thought everything else i had experinced (the real world) was a dream
Morning Mono. Care to share any dreams with us?

FMA was the first thing that sprang to mind for me too with that dream of yours Tach. :p
Hiya Black and Ayase :D

lol Black :p Oyashiro-Sama hasn't bothered me at all today

lets see I ususally have weird dreams and I remember having one with Haruhi in it
went down for me as well :/

Well i'm going to head off for now, going to go and meet my g/f for a walk to the Barrage, assuming the weather doesn't change.

Before i go though

*sets up doorway traps for Tachi and Voddas, so that when they walk in they get covered in polka dot pink paint and are cursed by Oyashiro-Sama*

Tachi you'll probably have to ask Ayase, Voddas or Mono about Oyashiro-sama ;)

Later guys + Mono :)
urgh i hate hayfever....i took a tablet to get rid of it this morning and it hasn't bloody touched it, infact i feel much worse than ever!

yesterday i didn't take any tablets and was fine. so i'm blaming the tablets and my immune system. because i didn't have enough sleep to recover the amount of energy spent yesterday my immune system is crap, and the tablets must be duds

stomach is talking to wants food. and with 23 more minutes till lunch...i'll need to think fast of what to fill it with!
Hey trouble :)

ignore my complaining, i'm just suffering from hayfever and fatigue.

atleast my wallet still loves me lol, i didn't go out drinking, i just went out to friends houses and we used buy one get one free tickets for thorpe park :)
it seems to have ceased the moment i went to lunch :p
sat eating food.....thats 2 out of three....just to get home and sleep now lol.

oh on a funny note...yesterday i was known as on every picture they took of me on a ride, i was tucked in so i wasn't full height and was grabbing onto the handles for dear life. funny thing was, my friends hair all flew back, no matter how long or short....and my hair didn't move at all.... my gel really held its own :p