The General Conversation Area

But a pack of cards only costs about a quid. :p

I'd like to learn a few card games, but I'll only forget how to play them again... My head's already too full of song lyrics, anime trivia and the complete screenplay of every film I've ever watched. I have a memory for dialogue and very little else...

Well, time to go. See ya later guys. ;)
ayase said:
But a pack of cards only costs about a quid. :p

I'd like to learn a few card games, but I'll only forget how to play them again... My head's already too full of song lyrics, anime trivia and the complete screenplay of every film I've ever watched. I have a memory for dialogue and very little else...

Well, time to go. See ya later guys. ;)

But you can replay the tutorials on DS so you don't need to remember!
Frakidy Frak! I just voted for Stavros Flatley on Britain's Got Talent. Never voted for anything, EVER. Diversity's performance was immense, though.

In case you lot are wondering, because I was too, phone message message was said instantaneously in a monotone voice that the vote had been accepted... then the line cuts off.
Jayme said:
Frakidy Frak! I just voted for Stavros Flatley on Britain's Got Talent. Never voted for anything, EVER.
Voted for who? On what? Haven't heard of either.
Last time I voted for something was the London Mayoral Elections. What followed from those is often a topic of heated conversation.
ayase said:
Right. About time to get out there in what's left of the sun. I've been staring longingly out of the window all day, now it's Waka Laka time.

for some reason when you said that, i thought of

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I wish I could pat you on your virtual back and relate, but I can't. I'm lazy and a dumbass, so studying (effort) and tests (brains) never worked out for me.

Fear not, though, for if you fail there are various classy jailbait websites out there. There's more to life than studying.
Aion said:
I wish I could pat you on your virtual back and relate, but I can't. I'm lazy and a dumbass, so studying (effort) and tests (brains) never worked out for me.

Fear not, though, for if you fail there are various classy jailbait websites out there. There's more to life than studying.

This is the part where Aion mentions he owns a few of them sites and can give you a great deal :p
RetroRainbow said:
I'm really, really worried about my exams. I haven't done enough study at all, and they're starting Wednesday.

For what I want to do, I need 500 points out of a total of 600, and there is no chance that I shall get that. I'd be lucky to get even 340 at this stage, for a runner-runner-runner up course.
Dare I ask what you want? I mean, this point thing is to let you choose course / college, right?

And as Aion said, if everything fails there is more to life than studying. Although I would stay away from any website Aion links to you... ;)
Tachi- said:
Aion said:
I wish I could pat you on your virtual back and relate, but I can't. I'm lazy and a dumbass, so studying (effort) and tests (brains) never worked out for me.

Fear not, though, for if you fail there are various classy jailbait websites out there. There's more to life than studying.

This is the part where Aion mentions he owns a few of them sites and can give you a great deal :p
I would not be at all surprised.

I've always thought if something's not already embedded in your head and you have to spend ages revising it then you don't really know it - Hence my approach to exams was zero revision. If I had revised I probably could have walked away with a couple more B's and a couple less D's, but somehow I wouldn't have felt I really deserved them. ::shrugs::

As it stands I think my grades are an accurate depiction of my abilities at the time. I would fail maths hard if I took it again now. But maths is machine work anyway - I've long since learnt to delegate it to the nearest calculator, computer or till (when my sister works in the shop she actually does calculations in her head and just inputs the sale price - Why bother when the till knows all?)

I suppose if you actually have academic goals then it's different, and I can see why revision / exams are stressful, but I don't really know what it's like to have those...
ayase said:
Hence my approach to exams was zero revision.
Teehee. I spent the entire night before my maths GCSE playing Mario 64 with a friend. Guiding the fat Italian plumber around that incredible 3D world was far more important than preparing for a silly memory test. Somehow, though, I still managed to walk away with a C grade.
Damn straight. And I managed a B. :p

I was always going to do badly in German, but it was Science where I failed the most. I always felt if we'd been able to pick two instead of having all three subjects forced upon us and then having all the exam results averaged out into two GCSE's of the same grade (Oh Double Award science - who's smart idea gave birth to thee?) then I would have done better.

(Interestingly,the most common comment by my teachers in my final pre-exam report was along the lines that I "may or may not have done well enough to achieve a passing grade in this subject")
RetroRainbow said:
I'm really, really worried about my exams. I haven't done enough study at all, and they're starting Wednesday.

For what I want to do, I need 500 points out of a total of 600, and there is no chance that I shall get that. I'd be lucky to get even 340 at this stage, for a runner-runner-runner up course.

A2? Yeah, me too.
I NEED to start revising...
I had my last exam today. I am free. Free!
Until next week, of course, when I start work experience in some office somewhere. I should've asked Waterstones again :roll:
Afternoon all! :p

I see the fear of exams is still very much about. Exams are no fun, but you gotta look at it like, it's only a few weeks of revising and exam sitting. Once that's over with you can relax and your lifes will continue.
Exam stress is horrible! (no envy here).

Congrats Maltos! :D
LOL i guess i'll stay on the boat with ayase and fabric.

GCSE RE Mock - me and ben where the only two who actually ditched a GCSE MOCK exam in our year lol. somehow going round bens and playing monster hunter freedom was a hell of alot more fun than a boring mock.
and we had study leave for it aswell so pretty much played PSP and left the whole revision out of it.

Personally i'd put it down to my attitude towards revision....its meaningless and just bearly benefitial.
the only gain is something insignificant like 3% improvement.
you sit revising....craming your head with all this info and for what? to forget half of it by the time you sit down in that chair and pick up the paper and pen.

nope...not my style i'm afraid. i choose to leave it...merely skim over a few things a few mins before going in and then leave it to knowledge. most of my GCSE's where fun to be in. people getting so worried and freaked out that people fainted. others you could tell had been up all night....because they looked drained and couldn't concentrate. and then the carefree ones like me and the crazy nerds like my mate sam are all sat there getting on with it and don't have a care in the world.

walked out of high school with alright grades and tbh since then i've found out that things they taught me i actually bothered to remember and help in modern life....but most of the info they gave gives no benefit or relevence to my life at to break down a substance into how many electrodes.....completely unrelated to technology.
but resistance of a thats something that i may need.

have the strange feeling that i'm waffling on....guess i'll leave it here then lol.
Sucks for me. I've got a virus so this could mean a second doctors note going to the Exam Board :lol:

Oh they'll hate me.

But seriously, this virus is killing me. I'm getting 3-4 hours sleep a night and it's hell. **** knows how i'm gonna pass this weeks exams.