The General Conversation Area

I have one white glove in hand, ready to deliver some good-natured and high-class smackdown, and I'm glaring down my monocle with my best snooty glare.

All while pinching the brim of my bowler hat between forefinger and thumb.
I have one white glove in hand, ready to deliver some good-natured and high-class smackdown, and I'm glaring down my monocle with my best snooty glare.

All while pinching the brim of my bowler hat.

Darn, I'm a couple of centuries behind. I was picturing a dandy musketeer with a rapier and flappy tabard, complete with feathered hat :p

However, one can't beat a good monocle!
Will it be redeemable if I mention Richard "Dick" Turpin? Or can there be only one Dandy, baby?

No. No it won’t, baby!

You know, only earlier today, @D1tchd1gger challenged me to a giant robot battle as well. I'm calling victimisation here (whinge, whine).

(Oh, man up and get in the f***ing robot, Shinji. :rolleyes:)

How did you know the response I would give?!?
Because I have a direct metaphysical link to your psyche that even penetrates your AT Field, Phobos. Please don't take that the wrong way.

Brrr, I got the chills there. That was a good bit of dialogue! Fancy a job as a script writer?

I’m just going to... back away now... slowly...