*reappears from the shadows*
On the note of royal mail and general delivery topics; ive had to wait in the collection office 3 times in the past week and each time it was for something that could have gone through the letterbox but the postman must have weighed up his ability to post them through with 5ml space either side of the package and decided it'd be better for me to come and get it myself.
Spending £300 this weekend just gone on presents for family and a few friends puts me at my halfway marker for presents, with 2 weeks till my next payday (for once the finance department have a great idea where we all get paid at the end of nov then 3 weeks later we get another payment for the whole of dec) so i'll be wrapping presents as and when i can
As for me, i've had abit of a strange few months which have now led to possibly being in hospital over xmas but thats not too bad, i'll probably discharge myself on xmas eve anyway. To cut a long story short, i started having migraines once a week, then a day then several a day, the doctor gave me tablets (tramadol) that made me drowsy so i was signed off work, i spoke to my doctor again about the tablets as i wanted to return to work... they gave me something called (IIRC) proplaxanolol which worked for a day before i started actively blacking out, waking up covered in sick and damage to face/head... Which is something i once had when i was a teenager, the last time i was admitted to hospital and they ran all tests but couldn't find the cause so ruled it off as a bug/virus and discharged me... i walked 10 foot from the hospital and collapsed in the middle of a road... i dont trust my local hospital at all, So back to the GP's; They dont know if it was an adverse affect to the tablets or if its something else in my head - hence why i'll be in hospital possibly throughout xmas.
Till then, i've put some nice blue lights in the footwells of my car, tidied up the car and house and generally just clearing up all loose ends that i've left on the back burner too long
closing note; women, you are amazing, beautiful things but my god you are a pain in the backside to buy presents for at xmas!
*Drifts back into the shadows*