The General Conversation Area

vashdaman said:
Well, any kind of dream is better than a wet one.....real talk.

Idea: A comprehensively illustrated version of A Song of Ice and Fire, drawings by Miura Kentarou.

I think I just blew my own goddam mind.
Ryo can't hide his power level entirely it seems, though I have to say I've been surprised (and perhaps even a little disappointed) at how few round here display their love of pones openly...
ayase said:
Ryo can't hide his power level entirely it seems, though I have to say I've been surprised (and perhaps even a little disappointed) at how few round here display their love of pones openly...
hey, MLP is a fun show!
That's more like it! Chaos passes the awesomeness test.

Now will ilmaestro, or will he be sent to the moon? Will he want to be sent to the moon? Stay tuned to find out.
There is far too much advertising on the internet, especially adverts which have sounds. Few things on the net are more annoying than opening a new page and having some annoying advert start playing, and not being able to stop it without closing the page you wanted to view. :/
AdBlock? It's available for every major browser out there now (or at least some variation of it is). Does a damn good job too, It's only very rarely that I glimpse adverts any more.

Time for a riddle:

You have died and gone to the crossing between hell and heaven. Before you stands 2 doors with a guard afront each, both guards are identacle in every way except one:

One guard's the door to heaven and the other guards the door to hell. Both doors look exactly the same with no give aways as to which is which.

Only 1 rule defines the guards: the guard guarding the door to heaven always tells the truth and the guard guarding the door to hell always lies.

You may ask them only 1 question, what would you ask them? (based on the idea that you would prefer to go to heaven)
"Is this a fair method of determining what afterlife someone deserves?"

The guardian to the door of Heaven will have to tell the truth and say "No" but the guardian to the door of Hell will lie and say "Yes".

Presuming we're dealing with the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, I'd still be inclined to opt for Hell.
I like the method but your wrong,

The one from hell - being typically evil would relish the thought of the confusion within the scenario so being asked if it is a fair method he would lie and say no when really he feels that yes it is fair.

The answer is:

you ask one guard "if i was to ask the other guard what door you are guarding, what would he say?"

The one guarding hell will say hell, believing that the guardian guarding heaven will tell the truth and dob him in.

The guardian of heaven will reply heaven as he will take for granted that the guardian from hell will try and lie to you and say he's guarding heaven not hell)

The guardians will unknowingly reveal which door they themselves are guarding through this method.
Rena Ryuugu said:
I'm going to be going the Summer of Sonic event in July, since my bf managed to get us tickets :D

The tickets went in 3 minutes :lol:

I thought last years would have gone quicker since it was technically his "20th anniversary" milestone (which they've been milestoning the past 5 years).
Just 9 months left till Archie would have been publishing the comic for 20 years
i left some dog food cooking on the stove and i thought il go and put some money in my mams account so i could order some dvds and the dog food only takes half a hour to cook, anyways i left the dog food on and went to my mams shop and i thought it'll only take me 15 min but i ended up being down there for 2 hour and a half and i completely forgot about the dog food * my mams busy on mondays so i try to take things slow to get on her good side* anyways my uncle came to her shop then my brother and hes GF came down and my mams friend came down and i was there ages thinking * come on im in a rush to get home * anyways she gave me permission to use her account and when i went to get my bike i had a flat tire so i had to run to the bank and run back to the shop and order my DVDs and after that i just remembered * OH CRAP THE DOG FOOD * i didn't tell my mam i rushed back with my bike dropped it in my granddads garden and run down home, i could sell something burning from down the road, and i got to the door opened it and the hole place was filled wigh smoke, the first thing i did was turn off the stove and quickly opened all the windows and doors and the next thing i did was look for our cats * seeing if they was OK * they was* and after the smoke cleared there was soot everywhere in the kitchen and bits of it in the houses

nothing was broken but i panicked cause we just had the kitchen painted and all done up and i knew my mam would kill me, but i saw my brother in hes car and i told him to have a look and he did and then i asked him if i could use his phone to call our dad i told him and when he got back he helped me clean it up, the soot was everywhere and it took use 2 hours to clean it up, he told my mam and said not to come back cause of what happened, i was relieved cause i would rather face the devil * if there was one then see my mam* shes scary when shes angry

anyways i felt bad so i said dad what ever damage there is il pay for it and he said its ok these things happen all it needs is a new coat of paint,

the only thing that was ruined was that thing thats over the cooker to let the steam out from cooking and i dont think my mam was pleased, i did say id pay for a new one but dad said its ok

anyways i cleaned up a bit of the soot and black bites from over the house * it still needs polishing abit more and the burnt smells going to be there for weeks

i haven't seen my mam yet but she doesn't seem angry at me * hopefully il live abit longer*

iv had nothing but bad luck to day i hope my tv and dvds and suck will be ok. i checked and the disc seem ok and the tv and ps3 seems ok