The General Conversation Area

Thing is, more or less the last half of FMA was filler. Ok it was an example of filler done well but still. I dunno, i don't mind it, but i much prefer the original stuff. Cowboy Bebop from what i remember was not an adaptation from a how can it have filler....?
Arby....from my opinion a filler is a random ep length story to bide time till the makers have more work on the actual storyline...not always accosiated with a manga version :S

i'm looking forward to the new FMA....if its a minor difference i'll cry....if the storyline changes dramatically i'll be happy....more FMA to watch in that case :p and i have found a strong love of the anime.
Arbalest said:
Thing is, more or less the last half of FMA was filler. Ok it was an example of filler done well but still. I dunno, i don't mind it, but i much prefer the original stuff. Cowboy Bebop from what i remember was not an adaptation from a how can it have filler....?

My point :p plus good example with FMA, since we know the new season will have the old manga plotline intact throughout
BlackWolf said:
Arbalest said:
Thing is, more or less the last half of FMA was filler. Ok it was an example of filler done well but still. I dunno, i don't mind it, but i much prefer the original stuff. Cowboy Bebop from what i remember was not an adaptation from a how can it have filler....?

My point :p plus good example with FMA, since we know the new season will have the old manga plotline intact throughout

but i haven't read the manga....i just watched the anime...isit a profound difference?
Tachi- said:
BlackWolf said:
Arbalest said:
Thing is, more or less the last half of FMA was filler. Ok it was an example of filler done well but still. I dunno, i don't mind it, but i much prefer the original stuff. Cowboy Bebop from what i remember was not an adaptation from a how can it have filler....?

My point :p plus good example with FMA, since we know the new season will have the old manga plotline intact throughout

but i haven't read the manga....i just watched the anime...isit a profound difference?

Yes there is, i can't say much without spoiling it though, but it wouldn't just be a little difference i can safely say that much.

Although i'm not looking forward to the old v new arugments that will appear once its over
Tachi- said:
BlackWolf said:
Arbalest said:
Thing is, more or less the last half of FMA was filler. Ok it was an example of filler done well but still. I dunno, i don't mind it, but i much prefer the original stuff. Cowboy Bebop from what i remember was not an adaptation from a how can it have filler....?

My point :p plus good example with FMA, since we know the new season will have the old manga plotline intact throughout

but i haven't read the manga....i just watched the anime...isit a profound difference?

very much so, plus, in my opinion, its far superior. I'm hoping they start from scratch, that way it can be done from start to finish. And from what i can tell at present, it does look like it will.
Ahh good. i love the current the new one will be the cherry on the top for me i think. i didn't understand why the anime starts off with ed aged 15 and al aged 14 in Leore (correct spelling?) and then the next ep's it jumped around abit. i understand what they where doing....showing a *now*....*how we got here*.....*now again* thing, it just jumped around abit too much for my liking.....still....i love the program
I'm back... well just to say goodbye for now like. Off to the hospital to see my sister and no, there's no baby yet. Taking it's time like. Typical. Heh.

Have a good night peops.

Oh, and I love the Bebop Fridge Episode. :D
Cya later Voddasadistic ;)
I've got 2 mins till im gone aswell people....btw i've seen my local HMV is selling the Cowboy Bebop dvds :eek: i think its safe to say that i'll save for them :p
btw is there any other anime made by the same guys that made FMA?
Fast-moving thread is fast-moving. ^^;

chaos said:
ilmaestro said:
How about an all-purpose Weekly Jump manga discussion thread? I'm miles behind on pretty much every series I'm reading, would be some motivation to catch up and join in the discussion. ^_^
I rather have individual thread for each of the big ones.

I follow one piece weekly, naruto when I care to bother and I'm really behind with bleach (although I plan to catch up eventually)
I read this and thought "who the heck is replying to me?!" I've already associated people's avatars with who they are rather than actually needing to look up at the name and you go and change yours. :p

So what was the overall opinion on this (if any)? One thread? "Three" threads? "Three" threads + a general purpose one in case anyone else reads other jump series (although I guess that discussion would be limited enough to go in "what are you reading")?
i've only seen one ep but it was really good....hmmm i might buy the boxset on amazon.

Oh... Goodmorning to all :)
*relaxes in chair waiting for a reply*

oh and Chaos....nice little quip :p i like the One Piece connection ;)
dunno what's so good, went to bed at 2:30 only to have to wake up at 8 on my day off, just so a sky man can fix my boxset :(

still least i get to listen to the full version of Sky Chord now
Ryo Chan said:
dunno what's so good, went to bed at 2:30 only to have to wake up at 8 on my day off, just so a sky man can fix my boxset :(

still least i get to listen to the full version of Sky Chord now

I hate it when i have a day off......only to wake up just as early as i would for work anyway *facepalms*
still....atleast you can go back to bed if you want confined to this office lol
Tachi- said:
Ryo Chan said:
dunno what's so good, went to bed at 2:30 only to have to wake up at 8 on my day off, just so a sky man can fix my boxset :(

still least i get to listen to the full version of Sky Chord now

I hate it when i have a day off......only to wake up just as early as i would for work anyway *facepalms*
still....atleast you can go back to bed if you want confined to this office lol

depends how long he takes, need to pick up chaz then go shopping still
*sigh* one of those days isit?

i had that on the 2nd of feb....had the whole day off work and had to sit downstairs from 8am till he came to the deliver my new ps3.....he turned up at quarter to 7 (pm)!!
wasted a whole day