The General Conversation Area

Godot said:
Thanks for noticing my advice, dude :roll:

Ignore him....we all do anyway. ;)

Anyone know who the hell Dan Steadman is? He's tried to add me on facebook, just wondering if he's a random from on here.
Thats good news then :)

I hate it when i don't have one of the following on me:

House Keys

Ipod touch isn't as important but i usually have that with me.

Playing a game of pool on my ipod right now....Douglas pulver is a wanker. every time i play the game it plays the same shots again and again, its boring. ever since the update its playing impossible angles and potting balls.

Not out matched, just annoying and mundane
stuart-says-yes said:
memorium said:
Tachi- said:
Nice one Memo, are you going off to uni or taking a gap year?
this is my AS no uni's and whatnot for another year! :wink:

@ Stuart: Uni is an option i'm considering, but i have a priority for specialist colleges, such as Dbs & SAE (Sound Engineering, Producing etc) or BIMM (Performing/Composition) over Uni's, i think if i go to a specialist college i get more of what i'm looking for in terms of facilities
Godot said:
Thanks for noticing my advice, dude :roll:


what is a U in A/AS level?

how did godot and jayme do in exam results?, good I hope

Anyway, afternoon, Today I spoke with my guidence teacher regarding my physics class or lack off, he told me, if I focus on my 3 highers this year, he'll put me straight into higher physics next year, so I don't need to sit int 2.

Also I lost my wallet, turns out I left it on my shelf :?
haha, that was a typo, i meant godot, but for some reason i was thinking you, strange :lol:

but yes, getting into uni isn't a bit issue for me, i think it would look nicer on my CV if it said i got qualifications at a specialist college, not only that but there's nothing i've seen at the uni's that does something different from places like SAE or BIMM, quite alot of the qualifications you get out of it are the same or at least similar 8)
*Appears from the shadows*

Hi everyone I'm back after staying a few nights with my sister in Hampshire.

During my stay there I found the best Waterstones for manga in Portsmouth as they had two huge shelves and two spinning bookcases just filled with manga :D
It was real funny when I was searching for Rosario+Vampire Season 2 volume 1 and it ended up being next to the first volume of the first series lol :lol:

I can't wait for when my Geology AS results come in the post
I've been working hard to make sure the weekends as quiet as possible, hence why i haven't been in here much today

Anyway Stu, i leave you with this: ... nversation


I'm off to buy some things for dinner tonight. dunno what to buy as i'm cooking for me and kayls this weekend, i've joked about beans on toast...thankfully i'll probably buy a lemon, some chicken and do a nice ceasar salad with lemony chicken
I'll tell ya something I aint looking forward to... Car insurance. :(
Not until September, but I now know how much time I have left where I have a decent amount in my bank. It's like putting money in a pocket with holes in.
Yes/today I had my parcel delivered by a nice Mrs. Davis, drank Costa coffee, experienced an electrical explosion whilst travelling on a train, attended my most positive social event involving large quantities of alcohol ever, culminating in a long one-to-one chat and a hug with a woman I'm very attracted to, got eerily discerning advice from a drunken depressive and met a friendly lucky black cat in a graveyard at 4am.


That's a bit more f*cking like it.
ayase said:
Yes/today I had my parcel delivered by a nice Mrs. Davis, drank Costa coffee, experienced an electrical explosion whilst travelling on a train, attended my most positive social event involving large quantities of alcohol ever, culminating in a long one-to-one chat and a hug with a woman I'm very attracted to, got eerily discerning advice from a drunken depressive and met a friendly lucky black cat in a graveyard at 4am.


That's a bit more f*cking like it.

not the time to mention black cats are unlucky ey?

judging by the karma reversal, it was nice knowing you Ayase :(
incidently, the Video to Safety dance finally makes sence

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Ryo Chan said:
ayase said:
Yes/today I had my parcel delivered by a nice Mrs. Davis, drank Costa coffee, experienced an electrical explosion whilst travelling on a train, attended my most positive social event involving large quantities of alcohol ever, culminating in a long one-to-one chat and a hug with a woman I'm very attracted to, got eerily discerning advice from a drunken depressive and met a friendly lucky black cat in a graveyard at 4am.


That's a bit more f*cking like it.
not the time to mention black cats are unlucky ey?

judging by the karma reversal, it was nice knowing you Ayase :(
We're British. Black cats are goddamn lucky for us Ryo. It's only certain continental types and Yanks they're bad luck for; they like us.
ayase said:
Ryo Chan said:
ayase said:
Yes/today I had my parcel delivered by a nice Mrs. Davis, drank Costa coffee, experienced an electrical explosion whilst travelling on a train, attended my most positive social event involving large quantities of alcohol ever, culminating in a long one-to-one chat and a hug with a woman I'm very attracted to, got eerily discerning advice from a drunken depressive and met a friendly lucky black cat in a graveyard at 4am.


That's a bit more f*cking like it.
not the time to mention black cats are unlucky ey?

judging by the karma reversal, it was nice knowing you Ayase :(
We're British. Black cats are goddamn lucky for us Ryo. It's only certain continental types and Yanks they're bad luck for; they like us.

pretty sure it's British, Black cats are usually related to witches hence the bad luck

Black dogs definatly are bad luck
Nope, they're good luck here. It came from the belief amongst sailors that having a black cat (rather than any other colour) on board a ship would stop it from sinking, but that if the cat left and didn't return when the ship came into port, it was a sign that it would sink on it's next voyage. So the presence of the black cat was good luck - it leaving was bad luck.

They went crazy on the continent and actually mass-murdered black cats because they were though of as witches' familiars. We never did that, so it's no wonder they like us more and bring us good luck (whereas they give them bad luck with good reason). ;)
Alas, I found a deceased blackbird on the garden patio this afternoon.

Little ceremony was given to the process of removing its remains from where they lay, though the experience was somewhat sobering.
Fortunately, I'm less sober now than I was then.
Morning All,

Had a very nice weekend. Nothing particularly special happened, I had the complete reversal of the free pizza, my ipod flipped a biatch and ordered my meal twice, resulting in domino's calling me asking if I wanted 2 pizza meals, and so I received 1 meal but paid for another one, thats the last time i pay by ipod. Hope to have that refunded by the end of the week :)

Took kayls out for dinner on saturday night then cooked her Fajita's and chips for dinner lastnight. Was very nice actually (if i do say so myself) So far alls well for Tachi living solo (wel, and Byron) but he can't exactly work like a human can :p

Listening to the Beatles today, in a happy mood despite the rainy weather that would usually dampen my smile.
Hello all,

Aya-Kun your on the forums O__o I thought you’d forgotten about this place lol.
Up for some ps3 gamin tonight?

Is anyone else suffering right now? I’m finding it a real struggle to get onto here today, something about the server playing up.

Get a hot toddy down you Ryo, also go for a jog and you’ll be right in no time. :thumb:
Might do well do put a drop on whiskey in it too :p just for medicinal purposes eh

Listening to The Beatles a lot today, loving it.
Right now trying to contain myself from singing “while my guitar gently weeps” Such a good song, tempted to pick up the Beatles rockband tonight and get home for a serious session.

4 day week this week, it might be bloody miserable outside…but I’m in such a god mood 