The General Conversation Area

Kepp the spirit up Tach. You'll be reet on the next go. Do you have a plan for when it'll be?

@Fox: I could name Anime Universes I could live in but there's not enough hours in the day. =P
lol i'm booking it for as soon as possible.

Thanks guys, i'll get it next time. it was just a stupid mistake on my part....if i'd have stayed in my lane i'd have been fine lol.
It happens! ^^

I was completely fine before. Now, since I went out to pick up the lunch order, I'm now starving! Thank god my break is in 5 mins otherwise I might start chewing my fingers off!

CLUB SUB here I come! NOMNOMNOM! I'll be back later people.
@Godot, yeah, the world knows i love pizza....and a free pizza is always welcomed :p

I'm off, not the end of the working day for me yet...on call till 8. but hopefully i'll be playing heavy rain :D
Got my driving test soon too. Hoping for a first try victory too, but have to see. I know I can drive well (though my parking will improve with time), I just need to prove it to an examiner.

Second time lucky for you though Tachi. ^_^ Not such a bad thing, most people get it on their second try.

As for anime universes I'd live in....

Azumanga Daioh. Or Love Hina. Or perhaps Death Note. ^_^
I expect they charge you a fair penny.
Where I live, one can obtain wild berries from the moors without parting with any coin. 'Tis notably breezy, however.
Mornin all,

Had a good weekend, spent most of it just relaxing or tidying up the house. Still up at 2am this morning…. a good nights trophy hunting lastnight :) I managed to kill General Amsel's 7 bodyguards and attack dog without reloading, with only 6 bullets :p Silver trophy thank you. and after fighting my way back through COD World at War on veteran. I decided to try kill Amsel using a pistol from over a mile away...couldn't do it, i could take out the machine gunner on the truck, 4 snipers, Amsels personal sniper AND his driver when he tries to escape. But the pistol was crap. So tried over 10 times before admitting defeat and using the glitch to get him up close and personal. :twisted:

If anyone wants to know what the glitch is… when you have the fight against the sniper…if you'r playing Vet, crouch behind the cream sofa, stay to the right, make sure you can see the top right window (barely) you need to be quick but you should be able to shoot the sniper in 1-3 shots. after that, pick up the pistol on the table, go into the other room DO NOT GO DOWNSTAIRS!! instead go straight to the other staircase thats bloked. jump on the lamp thats blocking the stairway, then jump to the left onto the banister. go left and when you get to the wooden post, jump through it and onto the shelf. turn right and you'll see a small wall. you need to be facing that small wall and press jump and left. you'll now be ontop of the small wall. Be careful not to fall off, you need to carry on straight ahead until you can jump onto the broken stairs on the left, double back on yourself. And go up the stairs, you'll now oversee the area where you would normally snipe amsel. walk slowly off the edge of the wall, but in mid air push back towards the wall you just walked off and you'll have to do this 3 times to reach the floor. when you do. run straight to the other end, a truck will appear. get rid of the troops (they won't fight back until they get off the truck) then run under the building to the left (it has a mound of mud under it) then run back out and people will appear near the tanks on the other size, get rid of them too. then run over to the right and there's an orange building with a fence infront of it, go upto the door, face the window on the left and just jump, don't move. look left back towards the wall you had to jump down to get into this area. Amsels men will appear, take them out. Then the sniper (who will be wndering round looking in the air, youll be fine so long as you get him from behind. Then just pistol Amsel, you'll get the trophy and the shell round that would usually get you if you'd sniped him will happen still. and you'll zoom forward to the room with the russian guy lol jump through the whole in the wall and into the river and job done :p
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Quick! Divide them by 0!

:p You alright boyo?

Seems Voddas and others are hidden under piles of work today.
Would you believe that i have next friday off.....yet i'm still going to have to do on call from 5.30 till 8? stupid.
Eh? your 6 weeks holidays are already over? O___o

I'm fine cheers, could really do with a shave. i've decided to go for a different look, the mini goatie that i usually sport (that tends to grow too fast and needs trimming down each week) has been shaven off. i was clean shaven not too long i just have stubble and its irritating me. tempted to get rid of it...but its handy. I went on a beer run yesterday, i was the only one who wasn't ID'd lol. (facial hair = people don't bother me)

reading burst angel manga has got me back into anime, might even start watching anime i bought from the expo.

Enjoy those school days. before you know it you'll be stuck in a job. working 9-5, Sure you'll hav money....but its better to earn alot of money from the start and then you'll enjoy life more lol.

If somebody could send me back in time to when i was 11 and said "pay attention and really knuckly down, avoid this person, get ready for that scenario, enjoy life whilst its simple" i'd love that lol.

I could have slept all day today. wasn't up too late really, just a 1am finish lastnight. but somehow i can see me sleeping in till really late on saturday :p House is completely free as of thursday. Gives me a chance to live life on my own for abit lol.
Ryo Chan said:
back to school?

don't schools restart early September?

Maybe not in scotland.
They are weird afterall. Just look at Haggis, its strange to think people actually eat it.

The Welsh have done well eating lamb and leeks, Puff the magic dragon is their anthem.

The irish have done well with Guinness, Baileys and irish stews.

Scotland have sort of gone off the rails and are eating haggis, wearing skirts and like the cold :p
I am.

For i am part Scottish (mothers side) and part Irish (Fathers side) :p And one of my best friends are welsh...i bought hima inflatable sheep for his birthday this week, he complimented the joke.

Added to the fact i'm not actually said anything insulting. Its fine.