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Debating on this dragon one i've drawn...or to get myself a tribal...either way its going on the left shoulder/arm. decided that i've put it off long enough....(don't like needles)
Tachi- said:
Debating on this dragon one i've drawn...or to get myself a tribal...either way its going on the left shoulder/arm. decided that i've put it off long enough....(don't like needles)

ide go for the tribal. tribals are more tasteful and your far less likely to turn around and say "what the **** did i get *blank* for?" i did when i got a star around my naval when i was an emo *facepalm*

Morning voddas
A star around your belly button? :lol:

I've always wanted a tattoo but could never decide what I'd want. I think it would have to be tribal like you said. Either that or something anime related. Basically something that I'll always like and don't see myself disliking in the future. I'm an anime fan for like you see. ;)

(Looks abit sad reading that back now.) ¬_¬
Voddas said:
A star around your belly button? :lol:

I've always wanted a tattoo but could never decide what I'd want. I think it would have to be tribal like you said. Either that or something anime related. Basically something that I'll always like and don't see myself disliking in the future. I'm an anime fan for like you see. ;)

(Looks abit sad reading that back now.) ¬_¬

Yes a ******* star around my belly button.... WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?11

And it was the most painful thing ive ever experienced. No freezing gel or anything. And i have a really high pain threshold. Ive had my eyebrow, nipple, lip and tongue piereced twice and didnt even feel it. But that was so sore, i couldnt see 1 foot infront of me and felt like i was gonna be sick.
ANother thing, I'm not the fittest (skinniest) person ever, so I've always said I'd treat myself to a tattoo once I lost weight. Since then, however I have learned that I'm just big. Even if I died of starvation, skinny would never fall into my vocabulary.
I'm fine with it like. Wish I'd got a tatto when I was less responsible so I had something to blame it on.

Edit: Off to lunch now. Starving. :p
Have done a few things...that others may have a problem with.....but needles are a big no no. i can look at them and be fine....but as soon as one comes near me i run a mile. and forget bolt...if there's a needle involved i'll clear under 12 seconds no problem.

looking at tattoo's online...want a scorpion because i'm a scorpio (aswell as my mum and gran) so there's a strong tie to us. so it means something.

only problem is...i dunno what to get....because i want one thats a tribal but can't see one thats made me go "wow" there's one (see insert) but i looks abit fat.

don't want it too skinny, or too fat. too blocky or too much like crazy paving. and i'm not keen on it looking like a prop thats been pinned down onto a wall.
That's a nice earwig tattoo your looking at there Tachi. :lol:

*rubs stomach*

Man I'm stuffed. It I had that monkey tattoo, he'd be looking like a rape victim about now.
I've got a voucher for GBK and decided to use it for a takeaway. It's Friday after all!
Had a bluecheeese burger with my very own hot sauce and soem chunky chips. And my boss gave me a doughtnut for dessert =D
chaos said:
I've got a voucher for GBK and decided to use it for a takeaway. It's Friday after all!
Had a bluecheeese burger with my very own hot sauce and soem chunky chips. And my boss gave me a doughtnut for dessert =D

:lol: forgive me...but i'd say "instead of the donut......can i have a raise?" :p

and shush voddas lol i'm still looking for a proper tat :(
i want one...but it's going to be with me for a long time so i don't want to make the wrong choice and end up hating it.
Sorry Tach. Heh. :p

Where you thinking of having one? Shoulders is the norm like.

Sorry... correction... belly buttons are the norm too. ;)

(few, close one)
Tachi- said:
chaos said:
I've got a voucher for GBK and decided to use it for a takeaway. It's Friday after all!
Had a bluecheeese burger with my very own hot sauce and soem chunky chips. And my boss gave me a doughtnut for dessert =D

:lol: forgive me...but i'd say "instead of the donut......can i have a raise?" :p

and shush voddas lol i'm still looking for a proper tat :(
i want one...but it's going to be with me for a long time so i don't want to make the wrong choice and end up hating it.
LOL I wish it was this easy =) Not even sure who I should talk to, to try to get a raise. What I'm really looking after is to try and get me sponsorship for my master degree. It's going to cost me measly 9k =S

I might end up going for something else, if I can't get sponsorship.
Ouch, compared to the heated debate yesterday, this thread is feeling rather empty.


Anyone looking for a new job?

edit: I'm not offering one like. :p