after fighting with the computer i've worked out....its fcuked....and I.T......the lovely bunch of morons that they are have saught to block and restrict the disk clean up...the defrag....basically anything i can use TO GET MY FCUKING MACHINE WORKING!!!! really angry with it....spoke to my manager about getting a new everyones machine is past the guarentee and all I.T will advise it to strip the hard drive...and bin the rest.
(i used to work in the I.T dept so i know exactly what happens) and yet i'm told " wait till the recruitement nurse comes out of the office and well see if the old pc in there works" erm 2 things
1 i said a new pc....not an even older and more liability to break
2 the recruitement nurse is in her 60's....her first language isn't english...and thats obvious....she's like a turtle when it comes to i don't expect her out of the office till maybe 4.30
i'm using this machine....which doesn't have half the mandatory programs i need....outlook, publisher, word, powerpoint are all gone...i've got excel and acces.....lovely ¬_¬
i'm surrounded by bumbling fools who collectively have a single braincell...only just smarter than a Amaeba but stupider than a pissed Nat.
lastnight we went to see marley and was a good film....towards the end both me and natalie where fighting tears.
(having a dog myself, who i've grown up with since he was a really touched a nerve)
i'm going to give it alittle bit before i say i like her. but yeah hopefully well meet up more