The General Conversation Area

So not a fan of A Thousand Island Dressing then? 2 parts salad cream to 1 part tomato Ketchup with a bit of salt and pepper all mixed in. Lovely on a jacket potato with prawns and/or tuna.
So not a fan of A Thousand Island Dressing then? 2 parts salad cream to 1 part tomato Ketchup with a bit of salt and pepper all mixed in. Lovely on a jacket potato with prawns and/or tuna.
Definitely not! Can't stand dressings. When I have a salad, it's just a bit of pepper!
I agree with @Captaaainuniverse ...

What is WRONG with you people?!

EDIT: @Umiko ~ mustard makes me sad also. I'm not a fan of condiments really, save for salt, pepper and vinegar...the rest can rot in the fridge/cupboard and expend their ridiculously long shelf-lives!
Ketchup or mayo, otherwise the same as @~AyaMachi~ (must be a Welsh thing to hate condiments so much!)
There is a special place in the bin for anything else!