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Aww. :(

Don't give up on software development!

From my own experience...

When I was stuck in a dead end job (downright depressing at times, nothing related to software development at all) I learned to do software development in my free time learning programming languages (C & C++ but had learned Perl before), knowing about software development methodologies and practices (like Kanban, Scrum, Test Driven Development, etc) and knowing how to use most development tools (Visual Studio, Git, Compilers, etc). Books on the above helped immensely. Of course, it took a while to learn C & C++ as it's easier to slip up than say Perl/Python...

The fun bit was applying for a junior development role! When I applied to the place I work now originally (I hadn't put my self-taught software development skills to the test until then) I got turned down but did get a lot of good feedback on the exercise I did (which encouraged me a lot). I then went to a two week "huddle" where you worked as a team on a project and learned more things as you went along (also something good to go down on your CV).

It was at the end of the first week I found that I wasn't tiring out so much like I was doing in my old job and that was the point where I decided to get a job in software development due to less stress & not feeling tired out when I got home. Eventually I applied once again and got the junior development role (no more insane phone calls, yaaaaaay). Really good environment to be working in too.

If you've got questions from effectively a half-newbie in software development please ask... I feel like there's lots more to mention but this post would have gotten really wordy. :)

(If you are still thinking about it, I hope I haven't put you off)

Haha, wow, many thanks for your well thought-out response dude, appreciate it :)

I just didn't have the budget at the time to do the two-in-one diploma, so I just did the one half of it that I thought I'd need, which was the Graphic Design bit, since that's where I'd hoped I'd find work. Sadly it hasn't really panned out that way (save for a job that lasted all of 5 weeks that I couldn't hack because of an awful manager), and the real kick in the teeth is that the best opportunities out there are in web/software development so, in hindsight, perhaps it was better to just spend a bit more and get more out of it opportunity wise. The software development elements do interest me though, but save for a very rudimentary bit of HTML, I know sweet FA! JavaScript is a type of digital coffee, right? ;)

I'm not entirely sure where I want to go job-wise though, if I'm honest. I've only just managed to secure a part-time temporary job after just over 6 months out of work (the job I had before this one ruined my health so had to jack it in), so for the time being, I'm just happy to be doing something and earning money again since it'll allow me to save for a car (having my own set of wheels will make things easier). Plus, the money and hours are decent, and the people I work with are really nice, so, I can't complain. My only hope now is that I can secure it as a permanent position after re-applying for it, so, fingers crossed! I've thought about perhaps getting a bit more training under my belt in the future (possibly doing another course in something just to broaden my skills), but I don't know yet - it's all dependent on finances and stuff. We'll see ^^

I'm super glad it's all worked out for you though dude, and you sound like you're really happy in your role, that's the most important thing - nothing worse than being stuck in something where you're just not happy. Nice one *thumbs up* ;)
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Looks like the @Neil.T tagging continued in my absence. This is true Cult culture!
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this is why he'd be a perfect fit for the cult... I've been thinking, though, HP, as our female representative, what would women have to maintain, as the blokes have beards?
Our mystical and intuitive abilities, as well as our sanity when it comes to dealing with numpties like you lot.
Our mystical and intuitive abilities, as well as our sanity when it comes to dealing with numpties like you lot.
sanity I can understand, but, women having mystical and intuitive abilities? *goes up and pokes face* is it like... this?

is it the smile? cause I can deal with the smile!
sanity I can understand, but, women having mystical and intuitive abilities? *goes up and pokes face* is it like... this?

is it the smile? cause I can deal with the smile!
*Gasps* How very dare you! I smile all of the time, my face NEVER needs "pulling" into one! *cue dramatic overtures*
*Gasps* How very dare you! I smile all of the time, my face NEVER needs "pulling" into one! *cue dramatic overtures*
this response made me smile. I have had comments that I don't do it enough. some drunk girl before said I look like the joker when I smile though :( my late mum once said if I smile my face would crack, or that I should smile. I forget
this response made me smile. I have had comments that I don't do it enough. some drunk girl before said I look like the joker when I smile though :( my late mum once said if I smile my face would crack, or that I should smile. I forget
Well, the drunk girl was drunk, so therefore should definitely have been ignored...

As for Mums, they say all kinds of funny things to get us to do stuff...or, not do stuff...

But, glad to have made you smile dude, I usually come away from this thread smiling and laughing, it's been very much needed! ^^
this response made me smile. I have had comments that I don't do it enough. some drunk girl before said I look like the joker when I smile though :( my late mum once said if I smile my face would crack, or that I should smile. I forget
It’s good that you have a creepy smile, it’ll freak out those getting punished more!