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Can someone with reasonable knowledge of Japanese explain the following to me:

"When you cast a Pattern (Aya) over Indigo (Ai), it creates something even more beautiful"... Thats what out name means.

I understand most of it, if you take the (Kanji/Kana) of Aya and combine it with the (Kanji/Kana) of Ai.. Then it makes a new word.

So when the parents were thinking of the names of their children (in this case they were twins) they used word-play to decide their names so this happened, both of them together meant something special...

My question is. What does combining the two names (Aya) and (Ai) together actually make?


I fear this could actually be a spoiler for the VN, but I'll ask anyway ;)
Does anyone know how to log out of this forum on safari phone browser? I can't find the button. I'll be logged on forever!
It's just like working in retail, once you're in, you can never get out. It holds fast with an iron can (not) leave!
So story time.

A couple of months ago, I mentioned I heard some noises in my house, well.... something substabtail happened and that makes me think something spooky is afoot.

So last night I stayed up pretty late watching a magical girl try and catch some cards and when I went to turn the lamp off noticed I needed the toilet, usually this is not a problem but I remembered the upstairs toilet is being renovated so could not be bothered to get out of bed to go all the way downstairs and somehow managed to fall asleep, yay but then woke up a few hours at 5.03pm needing the toilet desperately.

So no choice I get out of bed and use the flash light on my phone to see where I am going, because for some reason all the lights in the house are connected so if I open one they all will open so that is the last thing one needs when they just woke up, so there I am half yawning as I walk down the stairs, solely concentrating on thinking about getting in and getting out back straight to bed that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings.

I managed to enter the toilet then notice a weird hissing sounds, I am like don't pay attention to it just piss and get out. So I do and flush the toilet and the hissing stops I am like yes and then get out and as soon as I am about to touch the stairs I hear the hissing sound and it is more louder then in the toilet... I ignore and walk all the way up and realise I can still hear it. But my curious nature was like investigate and me other side was like "Baggie just get back to bed you're almost there..." but I walk back down the stairs with half of me hitting the curious half of me haha.

So I hit the the ground floor and realise the noise is coming from the right over, near the garage part of the house. I am like no please not there. So my heart racing I slowly open the door to get access to the second part of the hall way, where set garage is situated. I flash the light in the hallway it is so ominous, I step on foot in and yup the sound is deffo coming from here but not just a hissing sound but a dripping sounds and yup coming from the garage. I am like ffs no. So there I am gulping as I unlock the two locks of the garage door from the inside of the house (there are 3 entrances to it, from inside, the front garden and back garden). I swing the door open and...

There it was, the sink in the garage was open and water from the hot water tap was dripping out... Which also explained the hissing sound as it was the boiler. BUT I was the last one in the family downstairs so I locked up before heading upstairs to watch Cardcaptors so I deffo would have noticed if the tap was on in the garage as I said you can hearing it from the stairs I didn't hear a thing then. I check around the garage and all other entrances were locked and no sign of anyone tampering...

Something turned that tap on...

And yes by this point my sleepiness was completely gone xD.

Do you guys have an explanation for this? Like it couldn't have been anyone in my family as I was awake until 1am ish so would have heard anyone going down if they did.

Very bizarre.
a lot of hissing and a tap is on? i was thinking it was an animal, a snake maybe trolling you by turning that tap on. those aren't angry bite you hisses, those are laughing I got 'im now hisses
Heh. No real explanation for you @Baggie_Saiyan but I've lived in two houses with weird goings on. In one, (which was a very, very old house) small things like the odd sock, teaspoon, pen etc. would disappear, but they'd be things you'd never really notice had gone missing at the time. When we were getting ready to move out, we found all these little missing things collected in a pile at the far end of the under-stairs cupboard, somewhere several boxes would have needed to be moved to get to.

In another, which was a short-term rental we were only in for a couple of months after my family had sold one house and were in the process of buying another, there were sometimes strange scraping noises that came from downstairs at night that sounded like someone raking an old open fire. The house did not have an open fire and if you got up to investigate the noises, they would abruptly stop. We learned later from a neighbour that the previous man who rented that house had packed his bags and left in the middle of the night, claiming the house was haunted and he wouldn't stay there a minute longer.

I also had an episode of hallucinatory delirium in that house which there was no apparent cause for and that's how I became a devilman.
Well, I keep a fresh keg of one of our local Pennsylvania beers here on tap at all times - Yuengling Premium. It's been my regular drinker for over 35 years. I'll sometimes splurge and get a keg of Yuengling Lord Chesterfield Ale, or Porter, two of my favorites of theirs.