The General Conversation Area

Tell them what @Phobos said, for it is true, but also tell them that you are Welsh because that makes you infinitely maginficent and majestic...

Profile: Maginficent, majestic, Welsh magical girl who likes to cwtch
Occupation: Professional Mionion to Cult Leader and s**tposter
Likes: Anime/manga; s**tposting; being a loyal mionion; typing with an accent; cursing; sending offenders to the Shinji Corner of Shame
Dislikes: Zombie threads
yes! Ydw even! I shoul' really ger on top o' tha'. so many profiles jus' don' 'ave this
Even any of the Cap'n's posts that AREN'T written in an accent, I still read them like they are. It's ingrained already!
You're already a fake Scot Neil, don't be trying to be a fake Welshie as well :p

yes! Ydw even! I shoul' really ger on top o' tha'. so many profiles jus' don' 'ave this

At least you would have a profile; so many people can't seem to be a***d to write anything beyond "just ask me"...or "add me on Kik"...
a brew is being made
