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I'm rather a fan of Pinterest as well, actually. I like browsing for pictures. One leads to another.

Oh I use it loads. I have tons of inspiration for the art that I intend to get back into at some point but keep procrastinating on! XD

I find it very useful though, it's handy for keeping reference imagery to hand!
Oh I use it loads. I have tons of inspiration for the art that I intend to get back into at some point but keep procrastinating on! XD

I find it very useful though, it's handy for keeping reference imagery to hand!
Yeah, it's fun. There was a period only a couple of months ago where I couldn't seem to drag myself away from it!

So many interesting images. I mean, where do you stop? 😅
Yeah, it's fun. There was a period only a couple of months ago where I couldn't seem to drag myself away from it!

So many interesting images. I mean, where do you stop? 😅

That's the issue! I need to pick up a damn pencil and start drawing, Shinji! XD

On that note my marker pens arrived today, earlier than anticipated. The rest of my order should be here tomorrow!

I'm so sad I love buying new art stuff! I NEED A LIFE!

Anyhoo, are you well this evening? Just went straight for the conversational jugular without pleasantries ^^
Different people have different experiences with brands of course, I have a friend who will never buy anything from Apple again after he sent his iPad back for repair while it was in warranty, at which point they accused him of breaking the charging port himself through misuse and refused to fix it. Which is pretty terrible. But I personally haven't had a bad experience with them and frankly, I think their hardware is pretty top-notch. The battery life on my old, second hand iPad mini blows even my newer Android tablet clean out of the water - It can sit on standby for weeks while my Lenovo runs down in a couple of days. I really don't think Android is that well optimised. You can do more with it, but when that ability comes with much faster battery drain (it was the same on my G4 - And it was always Android System doing the draining) I'm not sure it's worth it for a mobile device.
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Different people have different experiences with brands of course, I have a friend who will never buy anything from Apple again after he sent his iPad back for repair while it was in warranty, at which point they accused him of breaking the charging port himself through misuse and refused to fix it. Which is pretty terrible. But I personally haven't had a bad experience with them and frankly, I think their hardware is pretty top-notch. The battery life on my old, second hand iPad mini blows even my newer android tablet clean out of the water - It can sit on standby for weeks while my Lenovo runs down in a couple of days. I really don't think Android is that well optimised.

I must admit, I'm not so technologically minded and I really don't have an interest in specs in as far as "can an inept idiot like me use it?" and "is it within my £30 budget?" - I just don't need high-tech and fancy. But, different strokes and all and if you get what you need from it, it's all good!
On that note my marker pens arrived today, earlier than anticipated. The rest of my order should be here tomorrow!
Oh, very good. :)
How do they look? And what else are you due?

Also, I'm good, thanks. Day off today, and spent the afternoon watching anime on Crunchyroll. Can't be bad!

How's your day been, Aya?
I love my Note4 and it's coming up to 3years since I owned it. Never compelled to upgrade and still don't. I never owned a Samsung was skeptical but it's been great. I carry a spare battery and 32gb micro sd card in my wallet (and stuff like plasters and parcetamol... But I barely carry actual cash and people often joke "you carry everything in your wallet expect y'know what it's primarily used for cash" haha)
Oh, very good. :)
How do they look? And what else are you due?

Also, I'm good, thanks. Day off today, and spent the afternoon watching anime on Crunchyroll. Can't be bad!

How's your day been, Aya?

FANCY marker pens Neil, not the washable kiddies ones ;) I've wanted to practice with copics for a while so I went for a tonal grey set. Just waiting on the coloured pencils and a marker pad and that's my Birthday money spent up! A good haul for £55 I'll say ^^

Glad you're well :) Just been having a bit of a tidy, an (unsuccessful) job search, and a bit of a dabble on a chess website to remind myself of just how rubbish I am at it XD

Also, my guts are giving me a bit of jip right now but otherwise I'm good thanks ;)
I love my Note4 and it's coming up to 3years since I owned it. Never compelled to upgrade and still don't. I never owned a Samsung was skeptical but it's been great. I carry a spare battery and 32gb micro sd card in my wallet (and stuff like plasters and parcetamol... But I barely carry actual cash and people often joke "you carry everything in your wallet expect y'know what it's primarily used for cash" haha)

I'm often bemused at the fact that people seem to not carry their driver's license on them. Mine is always in my purse, and the irony is, I don't have a f*****n car right now XD I mean, you may not break the law, but you may get ID'd in a shop or something. I've had someone kick off at me when I worked in retail because they "didn't have their license on them"...
My iphone is on a little table besides my bed for alarm purposes. If I slept with mine it'd probably fall off and end up in the far reaches behind the bed post where I haven't accessed in years...
My iphone is on a little table besides my bed for alarm purposes. If I slept with mine it'd probably fall off and end up in the far reaches behind the bed post where I haven't accessed in years...

Down the side of one's bed is the scariest place on Earth!
@~AyaMachi~: The tonal grey sounds really interesting. I like monochrome a lot. I tailored one of the custom modes on my camera to create a grainy monochrome effect. (Different from the one you saw in those pics.) I don't think I've ever tried drawing with that technique, though.

Sorry to hear your digestion's giving giving you jip. :(
What's wrong, do you know?

And what was the chess site?
I think I'd be very flattered if that ever happened again, however I think it's now unlikely without a convincing wig and a lot of foundation.

I'm just terrible at judging age these days! If you look anything like your avatar Aya(r)se, I may have to ask you to proof your age ;)
@~AyaMachi~: The tonal grey sounds really interesting. I like monochrome a lot. I tailored one of the custom modes on my camera to create a grainy monochrome effect. (Different from the one you saw in those pics.) I don't think I've ever tried drawing with that technique, though.

Sorry to hear your digestion's giving giving you jip. :(
What's wrong, do you know?

And what was the chess site?

Indeed! I much prefer b&w photography, but regarding illustration, I'm not the best at using colour (so much for my art degree). I think when you're limited with tones it makes it a little easier to work with at least; should be fun to try at least ^^

Regarding my digestive tract, I just think it's very weak XD I think the B12 issue probably adds to it, but, it's fine, nothing to worry about!

I think it's called Lichess - you can play against the computer, practice, so some training etc, it's really good. It just takes my mind of things for a bit and get's the grey matter going ;)
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Well to be fair not all users on here have their ages listed so it can be guesswork.

I'm actually bad at it IRL though. I did often second-guess when I had young looking people coming to the till with alcohol/bladed products; many were old enough but by good grace they looked really young for their age. The other problem was that the till system we used used to flag up a message whenever a scanned product was an "age limit" product - fair enough it got you to check, but beacause the said code was also used on some "non-age limited" products, like some chocolates, perfumes, it left you wondering "do I need to ask for ID for this product? Are they alcoholic chocolates?" It got really confusing sometimes, and some people got really p****y about it - well, sorry, but I don't want to be lumbered with a £5000 fine, a potential prison sentence and the shop losing it's license XD
I think it's called Lichess - you can play against the computer, practice, so some training etc, it's really good. It just takes my mind of things for a bit and get's the grey matter going ;)
I'll need to look that up sometime; it sounds interesting.

Do you know chess notation, btw? We could play a correspondence game here if you fancied!

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