The General Conversation Area

Better then my work mates. Some nice fellas, most of them older then me and the guy I work directly with is a bearded goat that doesn't say two words to me. I knew his brother before and apparently he was into anime and stuff (he left work) but didn't say much about it. Course next to no one is into that stuff in work.

And yea, I know it's pulled straight from the game but very few women can pull off Cindy. Something about too much McDonald's? Not a lot of people take care of themselves so well. I say as I'm eating a large pizza alone

I wholeheartedly apologise to all men everywhere, on behalf of all women, that we do not all meet the required standards of beauty as defined by society, i.e "Cindy"

P.S. I don't even like McDonalds

P.P.S At least my t*ts aren't made of pixels :p
Better then my work mates. Some nice fellas, most of them older then me and the guy I work directly with is a bearded goat that doesn't say two words to me.
Hmm, the guy I work with isn't exactly the greatest conversationalist either.

Me: So how was your holiday last week?
Him: All right.
. . .

And there endeth another conversation.

Yeah, my workplace was all older people for years and years as well. And now I know, like, two anime fans IN REAL LIFE!!! (One of each gender.)

There was also another guy I worked with a few months ago who I didn't even realise was a fan until I ran into him on Facebook again after he left, so that sort of half counts.
I wholeheartedly apologise to all men everywhere, on behalf of all women, that we do not all meet the required standards of beauty as defined by society, i.e "Cindy"

P.S. I don't even like McDonalds

P.P.S At least my t*ts aren't made of pixels :p
Uh... ah... but I didn't say anything about standards I was talking about pulling it off!

You see, this is why men don't get women. It's not anything wrong with women, it's just that they can find a way to make a man run around in a blind panic
Greetings, Aya. Sorry this conversation's gone a bit... off-piste? o_O

Nah it's cool, y'all can talk about whatever you want! In fact I think it was my cosplay question that initiated the discussion...

Hope everyone is well this evening ^^
I'm at work, it's just after lunch here. I'll post when I can... It's supposed to hit 70 degrees today (21 Celsius), and even higher tomorrow, which are record highs for the middle of February around here. I need to go outside and enjoy some sun today... :cool:
Uh... ah... but I didn't say anything about standards I was talking about pulling it off!

You see, this is why men don't get women. It's not anything wrong with women, it's just that they can find a way to make a man run around in a blind panic

So, say, if a larger than average woman decided to dress as this character you'd be cool with it? I get that you didn't specify standards in particular, I just don't feel it's as much about "pulling it off" as a person connecting with a character and just enjoying it ^^

Just my opinion anyway!

I shan't complain. How's you?

I'm not too bad thanks dude :) Just had some tea (chips with mince and onion.)
So, say, if a larger than average woman decided to dress as this character you'd be cool with it? I get that you didn't specify standards in particular, I just don't feel it's as much about "pulling it off" as a person connecting with a character and just enjoying it ^^
eerrr... where's my man cave... I'll be honest, nothing wrong with people enjoying themselves, however they do it
but if the talk went to standards? I'm far more typical, and for some reason I'd want someone taller then me (a dominance thing? I've just felt a lack of passion for years...)

I'm carrying a spare tyre I can't get rid of myself (last week I got some less then flattering comments from workmates) and then there's the confidence thing, I'm not top shelf myself, more, the reduced sale? I did lose 2 st before though, put it back on but I'm planning to do it again, mainly gained it back by going into a bit of a depression who is this for? screw it! I'll eat what I want!
I wholeheartedly apologise to all men everywhere, on behalf of all women, that we do not all meet the required standards of beauty as defined by society, i.e "Cindy"

P.S. I don't even like McDonalds

P.P.S At least my t*ts aren't made of pixels :p
on that note I’ll just say cindy is too skinny. Where’s her booty at? It doesn’t exist. Again my society wins.
eerrr... where's my man cave... I'll be honest, nothing wrong with people enjoying themselves, however they do it
but if the talk went to standards? I'm far more typical, and for some reason I'd want someone taller then me (a dominance thing? I've just felt a lack of passion for years...)

I'm carrying a spare tyre I can't get rid of myself (last week I got some less then flattering comments from workmates) and then there's the confidence thing, I'm not top shelf myself, more, the reduced sale? I did lose 2 st before though, put it back on but I'm planning to do it again, mainly gained it back by going into a bit of a depression who is this for? screw it! I'll eat what I want!

Nah dude, it's cool. Really, I'm not trying to "start a war" or anything. Maybe you meant it in jest and I apologise for taking it to heart, but unless you know a person's circumstances it's unfair to imply that they're not "taking care of themselves". I'm far from perfect, and whilst by MY own admission I COULD do a better job at taking care of myself (had I not been "blessed" with this illness), I do what I can. I'm no spring chicken.

As for depression, it happens - it's hard to really focus on looking after yourself in the physical sense when you're battling mental illness; I've been there myself! I'm sorry you had to deal with it too, and yeah, you should totally eat what you want. I can't be doing with diet's; I want to be happy!

Anyway, no harm meant dude, just laying down my thoughts is all!
Nah dude, it's cool. Really, I'm not trying to "start a war" or anything. Maybe you meant it in jest and I apologise for taking it to heart, but unless you know a person's circumstances it's unfair to imply that they're not "taking care of themselves". I'm far from perfect, and whilst by MY own admission I COULD do a better job at taking care of myself (had I not been "blessed" with this illness), I do what I can. I'm no spring chicken.

As for depression, it happens - it's hard to really focus on looking after yourself in the physical sense when you're battling mental illness; I've been there myself! I'm sorry you had to deal with it too, and yeah, you should totally eat what you want. I can't be doing with diet's; I want to be happy!

Anyway, no harm meant dude, just laying down my thoughts is all!
Is this a new recruiting tactic? Beat people down until they can’t refuse?
Is this a new recruiting tactic? Beat people down until they can’t refuse?

Haha, if that's what you want to call it!

Truth be told, I'm **** at constructing a well-honed argument; I admit it - I think it's from having not interacted with people for so long and having to bit my tongue on every occassion under the circumstances upon which I live!

But I have principles, morals and opinions on things and it's as much my right to make things known, even if people disagree! I'm not trying to get people to "go my way" (unlike you Phobos ;)), I'm merely expressing thoughts and opinions!
Mmm, nice. Was it good?

I've just finished eating myself, actually.
. . .
. . .
(That was a really poor sentence structure. Should've went with "likewise". ;))

😭 😭 😭

It's cool, you used a comma; it's what commas are for XD

It was okay thank you :) Not terribly hungry but I consumed it nonetheless! What did you have?

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