The General Conversation Area

Ugh, she was just not a nice person, and a rubbish teacher. My Chemistry teacher was the same, just no patience. I really tried to get things, but I just found it really hard; the way she explained things. Bare in minbd I had really low confidence and often found it hard to ask for help, but to this day I still don't get what the difference is between ionic anad covalent bonding...

Wait, is covalent bonding what we have, Phobos?

No idea, I stopped going to school mid year 8. I believe though, we have emotional bonding. It’s far stronger than the others.
Unless he steals one from someone else implants it in my husk and waits for it to grow then take it back. That would be devious!

Nah becoming a witch is no trouble. Who doesn’t want to go mad and abuse their power?