Yeah, it's cool, I like the grainy effects; it goes well with the black and white. Do you do any other types of photography (landscape/portrait/general stuff)?
You're a SCOT? Git in the F%$£"!G robot, Shinji, y'wee b*****d. Sorry that was awful! (if it was awful then stop laughing to yourself Aya XD)
Yeah, no music stores here in Wrexham now, its such a shame. It was a thriving town back in the day, but we've just lost more and more stores. It's just pop-up shops now; our high-street is pretty much dead. There's not even a designated art shop here (luckily I can get stuff that I need from Amazon), but it's nice to be able to go into a shop and see what there is
We do have Waterstones though, and a CEX. Our Library isn't the best in terms of book quality (lots could do with updating), but it is nice, and there's a little tea room there