State Alchemist

The law of the Equivalent Exchange Thread is: In order to obtain something, something of equal value must be lost (since we aren't in the business of creating or destroying anime).
What is this thread? This is a trading thread to list anime (or manga) which you no longer want but would happily give to others, and in exchange they will give anime (or manga) of equal value to you,
What this thread is not: This is not intended to be a thread in which you can find or trade high-value items. It is not a thread for haggling unfairly because you think your loose DVD copy of Tales from Earthsea is worth someone else's blu-ray Hyouka CE in exchange. In fact I'd go so far as to say the Hyouka CE shouldn't be here at all; if you "know what you have" and believe it to be worth anything north of around £5 cash value in CeX, just sell it for money and use the money to buy the things you want. If you do decide to trade anything valuable, you do so at your own risk. Royal Mail covers all parcels up to the value of £20 (even the untracked 2nd class ones) as long as you retain proof of posting. If you want to send anything worth more please make sure you declare a higher value and send it via tracking, but my preference, as with not listing things you wouldn't be prepared to give away, would be for people not to send anything they aren't prepared to lose.
Other Points:
Postage costs are at the discretion the parties involved. My suggested method of handling postage is for everyone to simply cover the cost of posting their own items to their recipient so no money at all is required to change hands, but if there would be a large discrepancy in postal charges (such as someone sending items in a large box in return for items in a padded envelope) then how or whether those costs are shared is up to you. To avoid any issues, please don't post anything or send any money until you have come to an agreement.
Be fair, be kind. If someone doesn't want to trade with you for any reason, respect their decision; all trades should be by mutual consent. Be honest about the condition and region code of any discs. Obviously don't try to rip anyone off. This is about sharing your surplus anime (and manga) with others, not getting one over on other people (and if it works as intended, nothing listed here will be worth stealing anyway). If you happen to see something listed for trade that you'd really like but don't have anything to trade for it (or anything to trade they don't already have), PM the person and see if they would sell to you for a fair price, or perhaps even simply give it to you. With any sales, the standard rules of the AUKN Marketplace apply.