The Dark Knight

CitizenGeek said:
I certainly disagree that Jack Nicholson did a bad job as The Joker, also. He was outstanding in portraying a deranged yet nuanced character. I'm not familiar with what the Joker should be (never read the comics) but Nicholson's performance was incredible regardless.
Well at the point I saw the first Batman movie, which would be around the late 90's on VHS, I hadn't really read any Batman comics either. I knew of the Joker but I'd never really read a comic with the Joker. The problem was that all the time he was the Joker all I saw was Jack Nicholson doing his crazy Jack Nicholson routine and didn't really lose himself in the character.

Now with Ledger, even in these short snippits we've seen, I don't see Heath Ledger, I just see the Joker. Now whether that's a superior performance or just better casting I'm not sure. I might have changed my mind about Ledger after I've seen the movie but I doubt it.
Just seen it !!!!

It's brilliant, well paced, very well filmed, directed and acting from everyone is top notch. I'll talk about Heath first...he's great, his performance is funny, psychotic, scary and exciting, the film stands as a worthy testament of his acting ability, he lives up to the hype and will become a cult icon because of it. I thought he was great , but so were the rest of the cast. Great story and brilliant equal character development definitely worth a second viewing. If only more comic book films were this dark and well written.

Just got back.

I didn't think it possible, but it **** all over the 1st one and the 1st one was amazing.

Heath Ledger's performance is nothing short of Genius!

You have to go see it :D
Dan said:
Just got back.

I didn't think it possible, but it **** all over the 1st one and the 1st one was amazing.

Heath Ledger's performance is nothing short of Genius!

You have to go see it :D

A-men brother!
I could say so much about this movie but since I'm hungry I'll just say this without spoiling anything. I'll probably post more later.

All the performances were phenomenal and if Heath Ledger wins a posthumous Oscar or whatever it shouldn't be because of misguided sympathy but because this was an intense performance that kept your attention every second he was on screen helping to create a character that was truely unpredictable and ruthless. He was the Joker and I believed he was the Joker. Let's not forget Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent who put on one hell of a performance as well.

Let's also thank the Nolan brothers for giving them an axcellent script to work with too. ;)
Sy said:
I could say so much about this movie but since I'm hungry I'll just say this without spoiling anything. I'll probably post more later.

All the performances were phenomenal and if Heath Ledger wins a posthumous Oscar or whatever it shouldn't be because of misguided sympathy but because this was an intense performance that kept your attention every second he was on screen helping to create a character that was truely unpredictable and ruthless. He was the Joker and I believed he was the Joker. Let's not forget Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent who put on one hell of a performance as well.

Let's also thank the Nolan brothers for giving them an axcellent script to work with too. ;)

I agree, thought Aaron Eckhart was awesome, the Nolan brothers developed a cracking character in him throughout the entire film. I really did believe in Harvey Dent
Saw it yesterday and it was AMAZING. Easily the best superhero movie I've even seen.

Heath Ledger was phenomenal as the joker. He surpassed my expectations, and my expectations were high.

Only gripe would be Bale's Batman voice which was absurdly deep, and verged on farce far too often.
His voice is that harsh so no onw will know that it's Bruce Wayne who is supposedly one of the most recognisable people in Batmans fictional world. Hey it works. I can barely tell it's him in that suit, he really does transform into something else as Batman.
Sy said:
His voice is that harsh so no onw will know that it's Bruce Wayne who is supposedly one of the most recognisable people in Batmans fictional world. Hey it works. I can barely tell it's him in that suit, he really does transform into something else as Batman.

But it's still way too ridiculous and it's actually comical how totally over-the-top it is. My friends and I laughed nearly everytime he spoke in that absurdly heavy, harsh voice :/ That's my only complaint of the film though, everything else was amazingly excellent.
i went to see it the day before it came out and i was blown away at how good it was. thanks to my step-dad im a massive fan of batman now and i really want to see the film again lol. i thought heath ledger did a great job of being the joker, he should defo get an oscar for the performance just a shame he wont be able to collect it if he does get it. defo the freakiest joker of them all. luved it thts all i can say.
CitizenGeek said:
Sy said:
His voice is that harsh so no onw will know that it's Bruce Wayne who is supposedly one of the most recognisable people in Batmans fictional world. Hey it works. I can barely tell it's him in that suit, he really does transform into something else as Batman.

But it's still way too ridiculous and it's actually comical how totally over-the-top it is. My friends and I laughed nearly everytime he spoke in that absurdly heavy, harsh voice :/ That's my only complaint of the film though, everything else was amazingly excellent.
Ok, fair enough though I thought Bale was excellent as Bruce Wayne and Batman. He's the first actor in the role that's actually been able to play them both, capturing the intensity and innter conflict of the character. The fantastic script helped him with that but it's his performance which has defined the character on screen. At least for me anyway.

I admit it the buzz about is really starting to irk me. Yes, Heath Ledger was fantastic in the role and really nailed the character in every respect forging a movie villian which I feel will stand the test of time more than Nicholsons rather dated take but let's face it, so many people have took an interest in this movie largely because he died. Many other performances are being overlooked because of that.

I'm sure the interrogation scene will be one of THE scenes that will be remembered for years to come but there were two actors in that scene. The chemestry between Bale and Ledger was magic and that's why the movie worked so well. They both put on riveting performances that command your attention every single second they are on screen.

Aaron Eckhart deserves more credit for the role of Harvey Dent as well. The subtleties in his performance throughout the movie helped make his transformation at the climax all that more believable in the relativly short space of time he had. One of the main things I was worried about was how that would be handled and I'm happy to say that those key scenes were some of my favourite moments and I didn't feel cheated when the end came.

What I'm saying is that yes, enjoy and respect Heath's performance but don't be blinded by it.

The sad thing is that there is no way the next movie could possibly hope to be as big a success, no matter how good it is. The ending set up the perfect premise for a third and hopefully final installment. I have complete faith in Nolan that we'll perhaps get something even better.
Sy said:
CitizenGeek said:
Sy said:
His voice is that harsh so no onw will know that it's Bruce Wayne who is supposedly one of the most recognisable people in Batmans fictional world. Hey it works. I can barely tell it's him in that suit, he really does transform into something else as Batman.

But it's still way too ridiculous and it's actually comical how totally over-the-top it is. My friends and I laughed nearly everytime he spoke in that absurdly heavy, harsh voice :/ That's my only complaint of the film though, everything else was amazingly excellent.
Ok, fair enough though I thought Bale was excellent as Bruce Wayne and Batman. He's the first actor in the role that's actually been able to play them both, capturing the intensity and innter conflict of the character. The fantastic script helped him with that but it's his performance which has defined the character on screen. At least for me anyway.

I admit it the buzz about is really starting to irk me. Yes, Heath Ledger was fantastic in the role and really nailed the character in every respect forging a movie villian which I feel will stand the test of time more than Nicholsons rather dated take but let's face it, so many people have took an interest in this movie largely because he died. Many other performances are being overlooked because of that.

I'm sure the interrogation scene will be one of THE scenes that will be remembered for years to come but there were two actors in that scene. The chemestry between Bale and Ledger was magic and that's why the movie worked so well. They both put on riveting performances that command your attention every single second they are on screen.

Aaron Eckhart deserves more credit for the role of Harvey Dent as well. The subtleties in his performance throughout the movie helped make his transformation at the climax all that more believable in the relativly short space of time he had. One of the main things I was worried about was how that would be handled and I'm happy to say that those key scenes were some of my favourite moments and I didn't feel cheated when the end came.

What I'm saying is that yes, enjoy and respect Heath's performance but don't be blinded by it.

The sad thing is that there is no way the next movie could possibly hope to be as big a success, no matter how good it is. The ending set up the perfect premise for a third and hopefully final installment. I have complete faith in Nolan that we'll perhaps get something even better.

Agree with you 100 percent on Eckharts performance.
ive seen it twice now and totally wonna c it again, but i dont think that i will, but i wonna :D . lol. i think it was better the 2nd time cus i didnt cover my eyes the 2nd time at the scene with the pencil, lol, that made me cringe a bit but the 2nd time was kinda funny actually, i really dont know y, hmm. well now i have a fixation on the joker now, hes sooooo cool, batmans cool too but no where near as good as the joker. yay joker. :D :D 8)
AnimeEnchanter said:
ive seen it twice now and totally wonna c it again, but i dont think that i will, but i wonna :D . lol. i think it was better the 2nd time cus i didnt cover my eyes the 2nd time at the scene with the pencil, lol, that made me cringe a bit but the 2nd time was kinda funny actually, i really dont know y, hmm. well now i have a fixation on the joker now, hes sooooo cool, batmans cool too but no where near as good as the joker. yay joker. :D :D 8)

Wish i could've felt that way second time around. For me it wasn't as good, i was just sat there picking out faults, because i'd seen it before i was paying more attention to other aspects of the film and noticed whilst it's a brilliant film it's far from perfect. It's further upped the bar for comic book adaptations and it's going to take a lot to keep up with this film, i have doubts about Watchmen because of the huge content having to be put in to one film and Wolverine judging by the trailer will be nothing different from the mediocre films of X-Men we've seen so far. Bring on the next Batman and Iron Man. Anyone have any ideas who could possibly be the antagonists in a 3rd (and hopefully last) installment of Nolan's Batman series. I heard originally before his death, Heath Ledger and the Joker were going to be in the 3rd yet now that will not be the case. Even if he was alive i doubt Heath or the Joker could top their own events in The Dark Knight. I have faith Nolan will not submit us to the terrible heights of Mr Freeze and Catwoman or anything too farfetched yet he has to come up with a plot bigger and and an evil better than the joker to win back Gotham's trust of the Batman. Any thoughts?
From the rumours, Depp is going to be playing The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman (I dunno him) is going to be The Penguin. To me, it sounds good.
Jayme said:
From the rumours, Depp is going to be playing The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman (I dunno him) is going to be The Penguin. To me, it sounds good.

Yeah i heard those rumors too yet i read somewhere that Nolan stated he has no plans to use the Penguin as he's far too far fetched.
LukasROAR said:
Jayme said:
From the rumours, Depp is going to be playing The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman (I dunno him) is going to be The Penguin. To me, it sounds good.

Yeah i heard those rumors too yet i read somewhere that Nolan stated he has no plans to use the Penguin as he's far too far fetched.
Sounds true, although, I think The Joker as originally created wasn't exactly a believable character (My Batman knowledge is very questionable. ;p) so I do think its possible for Nolan to "create" The Penguin in some form or another (but, again, I don't know much). I knew nothing whatsoever about who The Riddler was until, strangely enough, my mother informed me. :p

I'd hope for a badass Robin, but I know that will never happen. Haha!
Jayme said:
From the rumours, Depp is going to be playing The Riddler.


Needs more Catwoman and Poison Ivy fighting for Batman's love.
I would love a little mention of Harley Quinn at some point, although I'm probably dreaming as she's a rather minor character compared to some others.