My personal feelings on the best game must be.... well I can't think of the best game only the ones I love. Here's a list :-
Xbox- Halo 2/DOA ultimite/Ninja Gaiden
PS 2- WWE SMKvsRAW 2006/Project zero (MGS 3 would have been in there but it was just a let down)
Gamecube- Super Smash Bros-Melee
One's that are good are the Armoured Core games, Shilent Hill and of course
Xbox- Halo 2/DOA ultimite/Ninja Gaiden
PS 2- WWE SMKvsRAW 2006/Project zero (MGS 3 would have been in there but it was just a let down)
Gamecube- Super Smash Bros-Melee
One's that are good are the Armoured Core games, Shilent Hill and of course