
My personal feelings on the best game must be.... well I can't think of the best game only the ones I love. Here's a list :-

Xbox- Halo 2/DOA ultimite/Ninja Gaiden

PS 2- WWE SMKvsRAW 2006/Project zero (MGS 3 would have been in there but it was just a let down)

Gamecube- Super Smash Bros-Melee

One's that are good are the Armoured Core games, Shilent Hill and of course :D :D :D POKEMON :D :D :D .
simple here..if you want for seperate consoles then here we go

SNES - Super Mario(games)
N64 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Gamecube - can't say..SSBM probably
GBA - Advance wars series and Fire Emblem series
DS - Mario Kart DS so far :D
PS2 - hard to say...Soul Calibur 3 and...Final Fantasy X
PSX - get back to ya
Xbox - Dead or Alive(all of), Halo 2
Xbox 360 - tell ya when i get one..probably DOA 4 though

my most favourite of them all though is Ocarina of Time.
Ah..and for the normal GB...Tettis..even though it brought with it sleepless nights :?
you totally missed Golden eye that game created the perfect first person shooter. Masterclass from Rare but now they suck eggs for microsoft..
NES: Mario 3
SNES: Chrono Trigger
N64: Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
GC: Zelda: The Wind Waker
GB/GBC: Pokemon Red/Blue
GBA: Zelda: Minish Cap
DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World

Master System: Alex the Kid In Miracle World
MegaDrive: I'll get back to ya
Saturn: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Dreamcast: Shenmue II

PSX: Suikoden
PS2: GTA: San Andreas/PES5

Xbox: Conker:Live and Reloaded
PC: Half Life II
Masaki86 likes his consoles

The best game....hmmmm maybe one of the armored core games, or a final fantasy, but not X-2,IT SUCKS. FF7 probably.
i think for me the best games r:

Ps1: Klonoa
Ps1: Grandia
Ps1: Final Fantasy 8
Ps2: Soul Calibur 2 and 3
All Dead or alive!
ps2: Grandia 2
GC: Super smash bros melee
Nintendo: Legend of zelda (the 1st one)
Sega Saturn: Parodius
N64: Diddy kong racing
Snes: Street fighter
Snes: Ranma 1/2
GC: Zelda : the wind waker
Snes: Mario All stars
Snes: Yoshi's Island
ps2: Kindom Hearts
ps2: Final Fantasy X-2
Sega Saturn: Sonic jam
Gameboy: Pokemon Blue
Gameboy Sp: Pokemon Emerald
Nintendo: Kickel
Ps2: GTA: San Andreas

Ok alot of old games i love but still these r all in my opinon TThe best games to me!
The best game I have ever played was Myst. It had me tearing my hair out at one point, but now I can complete it in under 3 minutes! Pure genius. :D
Doom and all its reincarnations are cool but tend to be annoying but my all time favourite game at the moent (it does tend to change) is Rome total war because its got such good replayability, you can just go back on and do different things every time.
SNES: Super Mario World / Donkey Kong Country
N64: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Gamecube: Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Dreamcast: Shenmue
PS: Oddworld
PS2: hard to say...
Xbox: Dead or Alive 3

Its hard to pick one favourite but Super Mario World on the SNES has a place in my heart :)
NES: Paperboy! ^_^;;
N64: Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
GC: Super Smash Brothers Melee
GB/GBC: Pokemon Red
GBA: Advance Wars series
MegaDrive: Streets of Rage! (Booya!)
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventures?
PS2: Kingdom Hearts
PSone: Final Fantasy VIII
PC: Black and White
games that mean the most to me and i think that infulecned the culture are as follows

DC ; shenmue , sonic adventure ,PSO

PS1 ; GTA, Driver , FF

N64 ; Zelda ocarina of time (best rpg ever made still play it to this day :)

ps2 ; ICO , Shadow of the collus , SvsR

im choosing not to put xbox in here cuz all that brought was haalo and thats was in desgin for pc first so dont
cell21 said:
you totally missed Golden eye that game created the perfect first person shooter. Masterclass from Rare but now they suck eggs for microsoft..

Just 'some' of the best games I've played:

Master System: Sonic, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, Wonderboy in Monster World
Megadrive: Sonic 1,2,3+Knuckles, Streets Of Rage 1,2,3, Phantasy Star IV
PS1: Final Fantasy VIII, Grandia, Wild Arms, Legend of Legaia, Soul Blade, Resident Evil 2, Evil Zone
Dreamcast: Soul Calibur, Skies Of Arcadia, Shenmue, Sonic Adventure, Space Channel 5, Sakura Taisen, Jet Set Radio
PS2: Final Fantasy X, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Soul Calibur 3, Culdcept, Clock Tower 3
Xbox: Star Wars:KOTOR 1 & 2, Jade Empire, Shenmue 2, Dead Or Alive Ultimate, Breakdown, Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Project Zero 1 & 2

I have lots of other great games (in my opinion), but I'd take all day to list them! :D
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