~The avatar thread~

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In celebration of the Sengoku Basara BSR48 voting results, which were announced today. Hittou won by miles, of course.

ilmaestro said:
Rui said:
Hittou won by miles, of course.

Why do more people not love Yukimura? Also, is that avatar that I see on the SenBasa LJ community just a massive coincidence?

To be fair there are so many good characters I think Yuki did well to come third. Ieyasu embarrassingly didn't even qualify, and Keiji did even worse.

It must be a coincidence as I screencapped this myself, but he's only in the skits for a few scenes so anyone who wants mini-Hittou has to make do...

MaxonTreik said:
Rui said:
In celebration of the Sengoku Basara BSR48 voting results, which were announced today. Hittou won by miles, of course.

Did you put ya guns on?

YEAH! Going to spend the evening playing the games to celebrate :)

Rui said:
It must be a coincidence as I screencapped this myself, but he's only in the skits for a few scenes so anyone who wants mini-Hittou has to make do...
Ah no, whoever posted the results on there had an avatar that looked like yours on... a different forum, is all. :)
Capcom had better sort out a full-length mini TV series (or animate Mame Sengoku Basara) so that this person and I don't meet one day and have an embarrassing fashion moment...

I think a bit of solidarity with those fighting the second Greek War of Independence against their own government, along with the governments and financial organisations of half the world, is in order.
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