The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Ryo Chan said:
my Code Geass part 1 boxset is finally on it's way \o/

a whole 2 months late

mine was finally sent as well, took them long enough. Only thing is its being sent to my home home, so i won't get it till my brother comes up in a couple weeks =/
melonpan said:
Did you get your Code Geass' from Up1? They might not have got a corrected batch still.

Yeah its from up1, the only thing is i won't be able to check until i get it here at the flat next week(have to go home to get it). Since they took forever to get it in, i'd expect it would be the fixed bunch, but i'll wait and see.
Dracos said:
chaos said:
Ghost Talker's Daydream OVA =D

Just read the first manga now I am thinking of trying to get hold of the anime.

Gantz Volume 2.

I really loved the setting of the manga. It's so weird and so good. The anime is an OVA series with a very dodgy cover. i'll post my impressions on it once I've seen it.

I've attached the cover of he dvd. It looks like some hentai show, so it would put many people off it. But if you seen the manga, you know it's nothing like that.
I love the Ghost Talker's Daydream cover (and the manga)!

Grabbed a bit more Saiyuuki Reload Gunlock. I'll eventually piece it all together and be able to watch it.

And then I spotted the X-Men cartoon season 1&2 set is coming out on Amazon, so I bought that too. Not anime but I'm excited and it comes from my anime budget!

chaos said:
Dracos said:
chaos said:
Ghost Talker's Daydream OVA =D

Just read the first manga now I am thinking of trying to get hold of the anime.

Gantz Volume 2.

I really loved the setting of the manga. It's so weird and so good. The anime is an OVA series with a very dodgy cover. i'll post my impressions on it once I've seen it.

I've attached the cover of he dvd. It looks like some hentai show, so it would put many people off it. But if you seen the manga, you know it's nothing like that.

Yep saw the cover for the DVD ages ago and it did sort of put me off, however when I saw we were getting the manga I thought I would give it a go. Now I am sort of unhappy with my self for not picking up the OVA when it was everywhere, although after a quick look around it is not hard to find just costs a little more now.
...You paid for the 1st volume of Death Note when you can currently get the box set for £39? Unless you're referring to the anime, and even then you should've waited for the anime box set, there's no hope for you. :p

And I wouldn't personally pay £24 for an Anime Legends quality box set. I'd only ever pay under £20 for ADV UK box sets. At least Chrono Crusade is a good series...