The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Isn't LotGH supposed to be the greatest anime ever made, and once you've seen it all other anime seems mediocre in comparison. That's what I heard online anyway.
I'll have to be satisfied with the re-adaptation in the current season till HiDive make that PS4 app and I can watch it on there (if the new version piques my interest in it)
Yeah it would be easily extra £100+ tax
So yeah makes it super impractical for me to even consider it
Due to if i somehow could get it. Getting a £100 bill in July would be bad
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I would love to buy it, I could actually afford it at the moment. But nearly £1000 with shipping and customs is just to much for what is basically a TV show. Fair play to those that are getting it though.
Add me to the list of those who bought the SAO II bunduru, used that Erased £10 off code from Christmas as well. First AL purchase I've made this year now I think about it.