The 12 Days of Christmas 2019 Sale for Anime Limited and MVM Entertainment

I enjoyed all 3. Lull in the Sea has genuinely stunning animation and a moving (quite literal) fish out of water tale.
Log Horizon is a lot of fun and a show I've watched a few times. It has the old trapped inside a game world premise but we actually see how the players adapt to their new life and start to build a real society in it.
Grimoire is a fun little show with some interesting character dynamics of outsiders becoming unlikely allies.
Thanks but this is not helping me cut down my order 😂
Nothing from MVM's Sale (Day 1) for me today,

I already have everything listed on sale except for Log Horizon, which I'm in no rush to get.

EDIT: I don't have Sword Oratoria either, as I've yet to check out DanMachi.
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Thanks but this is not helping me cut down my order 😂
Lol sorry. Log Horizon is my favourite of the 3 and for me personally has the best repeatability. Really fun characters and plenty of action amongst the world building.

Though Lull has the most complete story and the best animation. (as LH definitely ends with more story to be told. There was a big hiatus in the light novels being released and I dont think theres yet enough out to warrant a full 3rd season.)

I would reccomend those 2 over Grimoire as shows. For LH I only have the std releases so can't comment on the quality of the collectors set but that price for 50 episodes of anime is pretty good.
The Lull collectors set is very nice.

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