Stop Me if You've Heard This One Before...

Point Blanch

Completely Average High School Student

I'm normally content with lurking, having done so here for a lengthy stint with no complaints. Up until now I haven't felt compelled to interfere with such a tight-nit community, albeit one with the occasional, orthodox hiccup all niché forums have to endure. :wink:

However having recently lost my job I've made the decision to disregard my usual lurker ways and chip in with my two cents when and where appropriate, afterall I have plenty of time to fill why not make some friends and discuss one of my favourite past-times while I'm at it? That is when I'm not occupied watching anime! (...and pursuing employment ).

My name is Antony although most, bar my Mother, call me Tony. I'm 19. I hate to throw such a curve-ball in my introduction but I do like those loony japanese cartoons. Truthfully I'm never quite up to speed with the latest shows; I don't torrent, nor do I buy R1 DVDs. I neglected to watch some of the archetypal anime series as a youngster, Dragonball Z for instance, but I try my best. I do plan to play catch-up when the opportunity comes (so many good shows to watch already!).

I'll move on before I dig my own grave...

My most recent purchases were the FullMetal Alchemist series one, part 1 boxset and the FLCL collection. Looking forward to the Gurren Lagann release. As you've likely guessed my ''collection'' is modest.

My interest in japanese goods for the most part is exclusively anime. The only manga title I carry is Akira which is unfortunately incomplete and looks to stay that way for awhile yet (I have volumes 1-3).

Other than anime my other prevailing interest is music, consisting primarily of metal, NWOBHM and progressive especially. My most cherished band is Iron Maiden (don't suppose anyone was attended last years Twickenham gig? If so you my friend rock!) Sadly for me, fortunate for the neighbours I personally can't play an instrument.

I won't keep you any longer.

If you have any questions I'm sure you won't hesitate to ask.

I'm off to bed. Goodnight!
Point Blanch said:
My most cherished band is Iron Maiden
"...this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


Btw, personally, I think you've not missed much with Dragonball, there's plenty more fish in the sea. :D And DB is herring anyway... go for the tuna!

You sound as though you'll fit in here beautifully already.

Don't worry about not following imports/downloads, we have people from all over the spectrum of fandom here and you'll always find someone happy to launch into a chat about the shows we get over here too. With Beez and other companies pursuing faster licenses and potentially simultaneous releases worldwide, hopefully one day it won't even be an issue.

How long have you been into these loony cartoons now? :)

Rui said:
How long have you been into these loony cartoons now? :)

My story probably isn't anything you've not heard countless times already so brace yourself for predictable tedium.

It's difficult for me to put a finger on when the attraction became a full-fledged hobby. My first introduction to anime was the infamous shounen Naruto (*groan*) in 03. I finally had access to my own personal desktop thanks to ol' Santa. Up till that point I was uninterested in the World Wide Web, far as I knew it was solely a sizable library of disposable flash games to keep me from unbearable boredom in I.T. class.

A friend unprovoked gave me a link to a streaming website which had episodes of this fun new show she had found called Naruto (*groan*). Before I knew I was hooked, line and sinker. After a little research in what made Naruto (*groan*) unlike every other kids animated adventure show I had seen before and discovering the term anime it was as if a veil had been lifted. I started to recognize anime titles I saw being discussed about on internet forums, on display, on seemingly ordinary store shelves (I was oblivious you could even buy this stuff). Eventually finding stores that specialized in my closet pursuit.

Many podcasts, a credit card and a London expo I was altogether unprepared for later here I am. Still as excited to watch and learn about anime.

I owe a big thanks to you guys for imparting your invaluable knowledge to lowly lurkers like myself. :)
Spyro201 said:
Sup bra'.

Into metal? Any other bands? Megadeth/Metallica/Bodom?


Absolutely dig Megadeth and Metallica. My username was inspired by a line from Megadeth's Countdown to Destruction. I'm not very familiar with Bodom.

As well as the aforementioned Dream Theater, Judas Priest and Ayreon take up most space on my iTunes.
Point Blanch said:
Spyro201 said:
Sup bra'.

Into metal? Any other bands? Megadeth/Metallica/Bodom?


Absolutely dig Megadeth and Metallica. My username was inspired by a line from Megadeth's Countdown to Destruction. I'm not very familiar with Bodom.

As well as the aforementioned Dream Theater, Judas Priest and Ayreon take up most space on my iTunes.

You mean Countdown to Extinction?

Maaayn, I saw Metallica only a couple of weeks ago and they were srsly major badass.

You should check out Bodom and listen to some Melodeath. It's the best genre out the bra'
JamesX said:

What are your favourite Anime's/Manga's?

Enjoy your stay =)

Hello. :)

Maybe a blessing in disguise I only collect one manga, Akira. Using a complex method of deduction that'll have to be my favourite, not a bad thing by any means!

Luckily I've been entertained by all the anime I've seen, so picking out some favourites is a little more tricky. Azumanga Daioh deserves a spot. I can't recall the last time I laughed so hard and so often. When I'm feeling glum remembering Osaka's attempt to forecast the weather always puts a smile on my face.

Studio Ghibli's Grave of the Fireflies for opposite reasons.

Spyro201 said:
You mean Countdown to Extinction?

D'oh! What a blunder.

I was listening to Sympthony of Destruction while I was typing that post must have gotten muddled. :D
Hey there Point! Welcome to the forums.

By your posts so far you fit like a glove in our tight-nit community! (Do you really think so? Anyway, it is not intentional)

You also sounded disappointed with Naruto, did you had any chance to read the manga?

By the way, NWOBHM? I don't hear that expressions since the early 90's! You also like progressive, so you like Pink Floyd, Focus and Rush or did you mean progressive metal such as Stratovarious or Dream Theater?
chaos said:
Hey there Point! Welcome to the forums.


chaos said:
...our tight-nit community! (Do you really think so?...)


It's sometimes hard to see the big picture when you're looking around in the middle of it all. :)

chaos said:
You also sounded disappointed with Naruto, did you had any chance to read the manga?

I did enjoy Naruto the anime up till the infamous filler period onwards. For me shippuden had lost all the young boy adventure charm that made the series initially appeal to me. The often, but not always terrible art and animation of shippuden was salt in an already open wound.

I've read some volumes of the manga, but nothing further than the time-skip.

chaos said:
By the way, NWOBHM? I don't hear that expressions since the early 90's!

I've always insisted I was born in the wrong decade! :D

chaos said:
You also like progressive, so you like Pink Floyd, Focus and Rush or did you mean progressive metal such as Stratovarious or Dream Theater?

My father played music by Pink Floyd and Rush when I was a pipsqueak. He's long since seperated from my Mother and I, because of that I didn't directly follow his musical taste. Bands like Dream Theater and Ayreon fill that progressive void with a heavier sound that spoke to my by that point deep fondness of bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica.

I can appreciate and respect why bands like Pink Floyd and Rush are so important to the evolution of music. It's a shame I involuntarily learned to associate a terrible event with those bands.
Point Blanch said:
I can't recall the last time I laughed so hard and so often. When I'm feeling glum remembering Osaka's attempt to forecast the weather always puts a smile on my face.

Studio Ghibli's Grave of the Fireflies for opposite reasons.
Am I correct in believing Grave of the Fireflies always puts a smile on Osaka's face then?

Anyway, hello to you. I'm sure you'll feel right at home. Either that or mildly uneasy. Or both. Or neither, come to think of it. In fact, I'm not at all sure about how you'll feel. Needless to say, I digress.
Zin5ki said:
Anyway, hello to you. I'm sure you'll feel right at home...

Do I have to vacuum my profile twice a week and give the admin a cut of my paycheck every fortnight?

A home away from home doesn't sound that appealing.
Point Blanch said:
Zin5ki said:
Anyway, hello to you. I'm sure you'll feel right at home...

Do I have to vacuum my profile twice a week and give the admin a cut of my paycheck every fortnight?

A home away from home doesn't sound that appealing.
I gladly take your offer on a cut of your paycheck ;)